
Zadetki iskanja

  • bohémstvo bohemianism
  • bohotáti bohotiti se to grow exuberantly
  • bohôten luxuriant; exuberant; botanika lush
  • bohôtnost luxuriance; exuberance; opulence
  • bòj fight (tudi figurativno), fighting; (oborožen) combat; (bitka) battle, engagement, action; (bojevanje) struggle (za for, z with); (spopad) encounter, (praska) skirmish; (tekmovanje) contest, match; (spor, figurativno) conflct

    hud težak bòj hard, heavy fighting
    bòj moža proti možu, bòj od blizu hand-to-hand fighting, dog-fight, close combat
    vroč bòj a ding-dong fight
    v vročem bòju in the heat of the battle
    surov bòj rough-and-tumble fight
    neodločen bòj drawn battle
    bòj na nož fight to the finish, skin-game
    bòj na življenje in smrt life-and-death struggle; all-in fighting, a deadly fight
    bòj za obstanek struggle for life, struggle for existence
    smrtni bòj death agony
    poulični bòji street fighting
    bòj nazorov conflict of opinions
    politični bòji political conflicts
    duševni bòj mental strife, mental struggle
    volilni bòj election contest, election campaign
    pripravljen za bòj ready to fight, (na morju) decks cleared for action
    sposoben za bòj able to fight, in fighting trim
    nesposoben za bòj disabled, out of action
    bíti (bijem) bòj to fight a battle
    izločiti iz bòja to put out of action
    ne izbirati sredstev za bòj to fight with one's gloves off
    izzvati na bòj to challenge; to throw down the gauntlet
    pasti v bòju to be killed in action, to fall in action
    sprejeti bòj (figurativno) to accept the challenge, to pick up the gauntlet; to accept battle
    spustiti se v bòj to join battle
  • bója (morska) buoy

    pričvrstiti na bójo to secure to a buoy
  • bojázen anxiety, apprehension; fear; pogovorno funk; fright, dread

    brez bojázni without fear, fearless
    iz bojázni pred from fear of
    razpršiti (si) bojázen to dispel one's apprehensions
  • bojazljív fearful, timid, timorous, apprehensive; (plah) shy, bashful; chicken-hearted (malodušen) pusillanimous, disheartened, discouraged dismayed, faint-hearted; (strahopeten) cowardly, craven
  • bojazljívec coward; craven
  • bojazljívost fearfulness, timidity; shyness; anxiousness; want of courage; (strahopetnost) cowardliness, cowardice
  • bojažêljen eager to fight, pugnacious; bellicose
  • bojažêljnost eagerness to fight; pugnacity; bellicosity; combativeness
  • bójda allegedly; supposedly
  • bojéč timid, timorous, fearful; shy, bashful; apprehensive; faint-hearted

    bojéče deklè arhaično coy maid
  • bojéčnost timidity, fearfulness; shyness, bashfulness; faint-heartedness; coyness
  • bôjen fighting; of combat, combat

    bôjni duh fighting spirit
    bôjna črta firing line, front line
    bôjne čete fighting forces
    bôjni cilj objective
    bôjna enota combat (ali fighting) unit, tactical unit
    bôjno izkustvo combat experience
    bôjni konj war-horse; steed
    bôjni krik battle-cry, war-cry, ZDA (Indijancev) whoop
    bôjna cona combat (ali battle) zone
    bôjno letalo bomber (aircraft)
    bôjna moč fighting power, fighting strength
    bôjna oprema soldier's battle (ali combat) gear
    bôjna pesem war-song
    bôjni ples war-dance
    bôjni pohod (vdor) invasion, descent, raid
    bôjno polje battlefield
    bôjno področje fighting zone, combat theatre, battlefield, forward area
    bôjna postojanka fortified position, stronghold
    bôjni sektor combat sector
    bôjni red order of battle, battle array
    bôjna sekira battle-axe
    bôjni spopad action, engagement
    bôjna sreča fortunes of war
    bôjna sredstva means pl of waging war
    bôjno stanje state of war, war footing
    bôjni voz, bôjno vozilo tank; combat vehicle
    bôjni vrvež (gneča) thick of the fray, din of battle, turmoil of battle
    bôjna zvijača stratagem
    bôjna glava (rakete, torpeda itd.) warhead
  • bojevánje fighting, combat
  • bojeváti se to fight, to struggle (z with, proti against); to combat, to battle; to contest; to contend (z with)

    bojeváti se za koga to fight for someone
    bojeváti se za kak ideal to fight for an ideal
    bojeváti se za svoje življenje to fight for one's life
    bojeváti se do konca, do odločitve to fight to a finish, to fight it out
    bojeváti se do kraja to fight to the bitter end
    bojeváti se na življenje in smrt to fight for dear life
    bojeváti se za vsako ped zemlje to contest every inch of ground
    bojeváti se na strani koga to fight on the side of someone
  • bojevít fighting, bellicose, pugnacious, militant, combative; warlike; eager to fight
  • bojevítost combativeness; pugnacity; eagerness to fight; fighting (ali warlike) spirit