
Zadetki iskanja

  • boléhen sickly; in poor health; ailing; infirm; poorly; pogovorno peaky

    ona je boléhna pogovorno she is on the sickly side
    biti boléhen to be in poor health
  • boléhnost sickliness; poor state of health
  • bolêro (ples, jopič) bolero
  • bolést grief, affliction, sorrow
  • bolésten painful, sorrowful; morbid
  • boléti to ache, to ail, to hurt, to pain

    nogé me bolijo my feet hurt
    oko me boli my eye aches
    kaj Vas boli? what ails you?
    glava me boli my head aches, I've got a headache
    srce me boli figurativno I am sick at heart
  • bolézen illness, sickness; ill-health; (določena) disease; (organska) malady; (bolečine) ailment; (obolenje) affection; indisposition; (kronična) infirmity

    zaradi bolézni owing to illness
    angleška bolézen rachitis, rickets pl
    epidemična bolézen epidemic
    dolga bolézen prolonged (ali lingering) illness
    bolézen na jetrih liver complaint
    morska bolézen sea-sickness
    nalezljiva bolézen infectious ali catching ali (pri dotiku) contagious disease
    neznatna bolézen complaint, indisposition, trouble, disorder, distemper
    otroške bolézni (figurativno) teething troubles
    otroška bolézen disease of children
    poklicna bolézen occupational (industrial, trade) disease
    težka (lahka) bolézen a severe (a light) illness
    zahrbtna, nevarna bolézen malignant disease
    spalna bolézen sleeping sickness
    spolna bolézen venereal (disease) (krajšava: VD)
    zračna bolézen airsickness
    dopust zaradi bolézni sick leave
    izbruh (pojav, prenos, potek, žarišče) bolézni outbreak (manifestation, transmission, course, seat) of disease
    kal bolézni (disease) germ
    napad bolézni attack (ali bout) of illness
    nosilec bolézni carrier
    poročilo o bolézni bulletin, doctor's report
    preprečevanje bolézni prophylaxis, preventive health care
    simuliranje bolézni malingering
    znak, simptom bolézni sign, symptom
    bolézen gre na bolje (slabše) the illness has taken a turn for the better (worse)
    nakopati si bolézen to catch a disease, to contract a disease; to fall ill, to be taken ill
    ta bolézen ga je pobrala he was carried off by this illness
    preboleti (svojo) bolézen to get over one's illness
    prestati bolézen to go through an illness
    hliniti, simulirati bolézen to malinger, to pretend to be ill, zastarelo to affect an illness
    umreti za boléznijo to die of an illness
  • bolézenski of illness, of (a) disease

    bolézenski dopust sick leave
    bolézenski izbruh outbreak of disease
    bolézenska kal germ
    bolézenski primer case
    bolézenski znak symptom; sign
  • boleznína sick benefit; sick allowance
  • Bolgár; bolgárski Bulgarian
  • Bolgárija geografija Bulgaria
  • bolgárščina Bulgarian; the Bulgarian language
  • bólha zoologija flea

    opikan od bolh flea-bitten
    loviti, obirati bólhe to catch fleas
    bolšji pik fleabite
  • bolíd (meteor) bolide; meteor, meteorite; aerolite; fireball

    švigniti mimo kot bolíd to flash past like a meteor
  • Bolívija geografija Bolivia
  • Bolivijec; bolívijski Bolivian
  • bólj more

    bólj in bólj more and more; increasingly
    čim bólj ..., tem bólj ... the more... the more
    toliko bólj so much the more
    toliko bólj (zaželen) ker... all the more (desirable) since...
  • bólje better

    bólje in bólje, vedno bólje better and better
    čim prej tem bólje the sooner the better
    toliko bólje so much the better
    tem bólje all the better
    oziroma bólje (rečeno) or rather
    bólje je (vzeti...) it is preferable (to take...)
    zaradi tega mi ni prav nič bólje I am no whit the better for it
    gre mu (ekonomsko) bólje he is better off
    sedaj mi gre (zdravstveno) bólje I am getting better now
    bólje bi storil, če bi ostal doma you'd better stay at home, pogovorno you better stay at home
    bólje ne! (= tega Vam ne svetujem) you had better not!
    sinoči, oziroma bólje rečeno, davi smo imeli vihar last night, or rather, this morning there was a storm
    ni mogel napraviti bólje kot... he could not have done better than...
    bólje se počutiti to feel (ali to be) better
    posli gredo bólje business is improving
    obrniti se, spremeniti se na bólje to change for the better
    bólje drži ga kot lovi ga a bird in hand is worth two in the bush
  • bóljšanje improvement; amelioration; bettering; betterment
  • bóljšati boljšati se to improve, to ameliorate; to mend

    bóljšati, boljšati se se (poklicno) to better oneself
    njegovo zdravje se boljša he is on the mend