
Zadetki iskanja

  • brazgotíniti se to scar; to cicatrize
  • Brazílec; brazílski Brazilian
  • Brazílija geografija Brazil
  • bražijka botanika basil
  • brbljáč brbljávec babbler, blabber, tattletale, tat(t)ler, chatterer, prattler
  • brbljánje babbling, blabbing; prattling, prattle
  • brbljáti to babble, to blab, to prattle, to chatter
  • brbljàv loquacious; talkative; gossipy; garrulous
  • brbljávec babbler, blabber, tattler, chatterer
  • brbljávka chatterbox, gossip; talkative woman
  • brbljávost loquacity; talkativeness; garrulity; volubility
  • bŕca kick

    bŕca v rit (vulgarno) a kick up the arse
    dobiti bŕco v zadnjico to get a kick in the pants, (biti odpuščen) to get the sack
  • bŕcniti to kick; to administer a kick; (zaničljivo) to spurn
  • bŕdo hill; hillock

    bŕda pl highlands pl, uplands pl, mountains pl
  • brdovít hilly; mountainous
  • bréča geologija breccia
  • brég (rečni) bank, (morski) shore, (morski, peščeni) strand, beach; (strmina) slope, hill; (nagib) incline

    na breg, na bregu ashore
    reka je prestopila brégove the river has overflowed ali has burst its banks
    imeti nekaj za brégom (figurativno) to have an ulterior motive; to have something at the back of one's mind; to have some design, to harbour a design
    ne vem, kaj imaš za brégom I don't know what you're after ali what you're driving at
    kaj ima (on) za brégom? what is he up to?
  • bregéše (kratke hlače) breeches pl
  • bregovít hilly, full of hills; mountainous
  • bréja pregnant; with young; (krava) with calf; (kobila) with foal; (psica) in pup; (ovca) with lamb; (mačka) with kittens

    biti bréja to be with young