čŕno-žólt black and yellow
črpálec pumper; scooper
črpálka pump
bencinska črpálka filling station, VB petrol station, ZDA gasoline station
čŕpanje pumping; (z žlico) ladling; (z lopatico) scooping; (vsesavanje) sucking; suction
čŕpati to pump; to work a pump
čŕpati vodo iz čolna z lopatico to scoop a boat dry
čŕta line; (pomišljaj) dash; (poteza) trait, stroke
cikcakasta čŕta zigzag line
kriva čŕta crooked line; curve
prema, ravna čŕta straight line
čŕta (poteza) v obrazu line, trait, feature, lineament
ostre čŕte v obrazu clean-cut features
čŕta v značaju characteristic
zračna čŕta pogovorno beeline
10 milj zračne čŕte ten miles as the crow flies
v ravni čŕti in a straight line
v zračni čŕti in a beeline
v glavnih čŕth in outline
na vsej čŕti (vsepovsod) pogovorno all along the line
potegniti čŕto to trace (ali to draw) a line
črtálnik (za ustnice) lipstick
črtálo (ravnilo) ruler; (pisalo) ruling-pen; (pri plugu) coulter
čŕtanec sheet of paper with thickly ruled guidelines
čŕtast linear; (blago) striped; (papir) ruled, lined
čŕtati to draw lines; to rule; (brisati, razveljaviti) to cancel, to cross out, to cross off, to cut out; to abolish; to strike out
(pre)čŕtati besedo to cross a word out
čŕtati iz seznama to cross off the list
črtali smo poobedek zaradi varčevanja we have cut out the dessert for the sake of economy
čŕtež drawing; outline; (skica) sketch, crayon drawing
čŕtica short (ali small) line; (vezaj) hyphen; (v šrafuri) hatch; (pomišljaj) dash; literatura sketch, novelette
čŕtiti to detest, to hate
čŕtkast made up of dashes; hatched
čŕtkati to hatch
čŕv worm; (v siru) mite; (v hrani, sadju) maggot
razjeden od čŕvov worm-eaten
sredstvo proti čŕvom vermifuge
črvíček little worm, mite, vermicule; (dete) mite
črviči me po želodcu I have a stomachache
črvív wormy, maggoty; grubby; full or worms; vermiculous; (razjeden od črvov) worm-eaten; rotten