dáviti to strangle; to choke; to throttle
dáviti se to choke, (bruhati) to retch
Zadetki iskanja
- dávkar tax collector, arhaično tax gatherer; taxman, pl -men
- davkaríja tax office
- dávkarstvo the taxes; taxation
- davkoplačeválec taxpayer, ratepayer; assessed person
- dávljenje strangulation; choking
- davnína ancient time pl, antiquity; remote ages pl
- dávno long ago, a long time ago, ages ago
dávno je že, kar sem odšel od doma it's a long time since I left home
to vem že dávno I've known that for ages
dávno minuli časi times long past - dávščina tax, taxation, duty, impost; contribution; tribute
dávščine dues pl - D-dur D major
- debáta debate; discussion
odgoditi debáto (do) to adjourn a debate (till)
spustiti se v debáto to enter into (ali upon) a discussion
udeležiti se debáte to take part in a discussion
zavlačevati debáto to protract a debate, (v parlamentu) to filibuster
to vprašanje je še v debáti this question is under discussion
zakonski osnutek bo prišel v debáto jutri the bill will come up (ali will be debated ali will be taken up) tomorrow - debatírati to debate (o on, upon; z with); to discuss (o čem something)
debatírati o »za« in »proti« to discuss the pros and cons
o tej stvari je treba temeljito debatírati it is a matter that needs to be thoroughly thrashed out, it is a matter that demands a thoroughgoing discussion - dêbel (oseba) fat, stout, thickset, corpulent, obese, portly, big; bulky; (zid ipd.) thick; (platno) coarse; (papir) stout, heavy; (glas) thick, deep; (laž) big
dêbelo črevo large gut, rectum, pl -cta
dêbela knjiga a big (voluminous) book
dêbela laž a big (ali gross) lie; pogovorno a thumping great lie, ZDA pogovorno a whopper
dêbel glas a deep voice
dêbel mož(akar) a fat (ali stout) man
dêbele ustnice blubber lips pl
to je dêbela zgodba that's a tall story
na dêbelo trgovina wholesale
trgovec na dêbelo wholesale dealer, wholesale trader, merchant; wholesaler
trgovina na dêbelo wholesale trade
dêbelo gledati figurativno to stare, to stare in amazement, to goggle
imeti dêbelo kožo figurativno to have a thick skin
kupovati na dêbelo to buy wholesale
kupec na dêbelo wholesale buyer
prodajati na dêbelo to wholesale
nakup, nabava na dêbelo wholesale purchase - dêbelce small trunk, small stem
- debelênje growing fat, growing corpulent; putting on flesh
- debelina thickness
- debelínko debelúšček pogovorno fatty; stout (ali fat ali corpulent) man; pogovorno potbelly, ZDA žargon fatso
- debelíti to make fat (ali stout ali corpulent); (pitati) to fatten
debelíti se to grow fat (stout); to put on weight; to put on flesh
debelíti se ob kom (na njegov račun) to fatten upon someone - debélkast thickish; somewhat fat (ali thick)
- debeloglàv thick-headed; thick-skulled