debeloglávec (bedak) fathead
debelokóžec thick-skinned person (oziroma animal), pachyderm
debelokóžen figurativno thick-skinned; pachydermal, pachydermatous
debelolíčen plump; (otrok) chubby
debelóst (osebe) fatness, corpulence, obesity, stoutness, portliness; (stvari) thickness; (obsežnost) bulk; girth
debelúh(ar) a corpulent (ali stout) man; a potbellied person; pogovorno fatty, potbelly, ZDA žargon fatso
debelúšen plump; rotund; pogovorno tubby
debelúšnost plumpness; portliness; corpulence
debèr déber dell; glen; (water) gap
débeten debit
débetni saldo debit balance
débetna stran debit side
debí (prvi nastop) first appearance, debut, francosko début; (v karieri) first steps pl, beginning
debitánt gledališče debutant
debitántka debutante
debitírati gledališče to make one's first appearance (ali debut) (on the stage); (v družbi) to come out, to be presented to society
dêblo trunk (of a tree); stem; stock; bole
deblokírati (luko, mesto) to raise the blockade of; (kolo itd.) to unlock; (zavore) to take off; (kontingentirana živila) to release
déca children pl; the little ones pl; (malčki) small fry, pogovorno the kiddies, the kids pl; infants pl
decémber December
decémbra, v decémbru in December