
Zadetki iskanja

  • delineácija delineation

    izvesti delineácijo to delineate, to outline
  • delinkvént delinquent; offender; trespasser; misdemeanant
  • deliránt medicina deliriant
  • deliránten delirious; light-headed; (mrzlica) high, raging; figurativno (veselje itd.) delirious, wild
  • delírij medicina delirium, raving; figurativno frenzy

    on je v delíriju he is delirious (ali raving ali wandering)
    v delíriju delirious
  • deliriózen (bolan) delirious
  • delirírati to be delirious, to rave, to be light-headed, to wander

    delirírati od veselja to be wild (ali off one's head) with joy
  • delírium trémens medicina delirium tremens; pogovorno the horrors pl, the jimjams pl; the DT's (ali D.T.'s)

    imeti delírium trémens, biti v delírium trémensu delírium trémensu pogovorno to have (ali to have got) the D.T.'s, to see pink elephants
  • delítelj divider; matematika divisor; (dajatelj) giver, dispenser, distributor; administrator
  • delítev division; partition; sharing

    delítev dohodka distribution of income
    delítev dela division of labour
    prva delítev Poljske the first partition of Poland
    delítev Fancije v departmaje the division or France into departments
    delítev družbenega proizvoda distribution of the social product
  • delíti to divide (tudi matematika); to part, to form a barrier between; to share (s kom with someone); (ločiti) to separate; (razdeliti) to distribute

    delíti v to divide in, into
    delíti med to divide between, among
    delíti od to divide from
    Sena deli Pariz na dva dela the Seine cuts Paris into two parts
    delíti delo to share out the work
    Ren deli Francijo od Nemčije the Rhine divides France from Germany
    delíti si stroške to share the costs
    oni bi morali z nami delíti stroške they ought to share with us in the expenses
    delil sem z vami nevarnosti I have shared your dangers
    on bi delil zadnjo skorjico svojega kruha he would share his last crust
    enako (si) delíti (dobiti enake deleže) to share alike, to share and share alike
    zdaj nas le še ta točka deli there is now but that one point that keeps us apart
    »deli in vladaj!« "divide and rule"
    delíti s kom stanovanje, kabino ipd. to double up
  • deljénec matematika dividend
  • deljênje matematika division
  • deljêno z divided by

    deset deljeno s pet je dve ten divided by five equals two
  • deljív divisible; separable
  • deljívost divisibility; separability
  • délnica ekonomija share

    délnice stock
    navadna délnica ordinary share
    prednostna délnica preference share
    ustanovna délnica founder's share
  • délničar shareholder; stockholder

    biti délničar (neke) družbe to hold shares in a company
  • délniški shareholder's

    délniška družba joint-stock company
  • délo work; labour; (zaposlitev) employment, job; (enolično, naporno) grind; (snažilkino) charring, cleaning, ZDA chore; (garanje) drudgery; (težko) toil

    duševno délo brainwork, headwork
    délo ročno manual work, manual labour
    javna déla public works pl
    délo od kosa piecework
    naloženo délo task
    délo zunaj hiše outdoor work
    nočno délo night work, pogovorno nights pl
    običajno délo ordinary labour
    priložnostno délo odd job
    obvezno délo compulsory work
    kvalificirano délo skilled work
    pisarniško délo clerical work
    poljsko délo farm work, agricultural labour
    prisilno délo forced labour, penal servitude
    prostovoljno délo voluntary work
    pogodbeno délo contract work
    nestrokovno délo unskilled work
    ročno, fino délo fancywork
    žensko ročno délo needlework
    rutinsko, tekoče délo routine work
    mučno, dolgočasno délo drudgery, toiling and moiling
    površno délo bungled (ali botched) work
    brez déla (brezposeln) unemployed, jobless
    zmožen za délo able to work
    s trdim, težkim délom by working hard
    borza déla employment agency, labour exchange
    pravica do déla the right to work (ali to a job)
    program déla work programme
    ustavitev déla cessation of work
    področje déla sphere of activity (ali of action)
    nesposoben za délo unfit for work, not fit for work, incapacitated
    temeljna organizacija združenega déla basic organization of associated labour
    pri délu at work
    na délo! get to work!
    délo na črno žargon scab labour
    družbeno (fizično, minulo, proizvodno) délo social (physical, past, productive) work
    presežno (skupno) délo surplus labour (joint work)
    svobodna menjava déla free change of employment
    združeno (živo) délo associated (current) labour
    plačilo po délu payment linked to performance, payment by results
    pogoji za délo labour conditions
    biti pri délu to be at work
    vaša obleka je v délu your suit (ali dress, costume) is in hand, is being made (ali attended to)
    dati komu délo to give someone work, to give someone employment
    to je težko délo it is uphill work
    iti na délo to go to work
    iskati délo to look for a job
    vedno samó délo in nič oddiha all work and no play
    izogibati se déla to dodge work
    biti s srcem pri délu to put one's heart into one's work
    lotiti se déla to set to work, to get on with it, to get down to it, to start work, ZDA to get busy
    zopet se lotiti déla to resume work
    biti brez déla to be out of work
    imeti mnogo déla to have plenty to do, to have a lot of work on hand, to have a great deal of work to do
    imam drugega déla dovolj (figurativno) I've enough on my plate already, I have other fish to fry
    nastopiti délo to start work
    izvesti délo to get one's job (ali work) done, to carry out one's work
    je kar precéj déla, veste! it's quite a job, you know!
    odkazati komu neko délo to set someone a task
    posvetiti se svojemu délu to devote (ali to apply) oneself to one's work
    povzročiti komu mnogo déla to put someone to great inconvenience
    opravljati délo to do a job
    délo stoji, počiva work is at a standstill
    končati s svojim délom to get one's work done
    imel sem neko délo I had a job to do
    čisto se predati délu pogovorno to keep one's nose to the grindstone
    ustaviti délo to stop work, to strike (work), to go on strike, to walk out, to down tools
    vreči se na délo to put one's back into a job, to get down to it
    obsoditi na težko délo to sentence to hard labour
    ukvarjati se z literarnim délom to be engaged in literary pursuits
    rudarji so zapustili délo the miners have come out (on strike)
    dušiti se v délu to be swamped (ali overwhelmed) with work
    čez glavo imam déla I'm up to my ears (ali eyes, neck) in work
    pridnega k délu priganjati (figurativno) to spur a willing horse
    on se nikoli ne dotakne déla he never does a stroke of work
    tovarna je ustavila délo the factory has stopped work
    živeti od déla svojih rok to live by the sweat of one's palms
    brez déla ni jela you get nothing for nothing
    dober začetek je pol déla a good start is half the battle
    po délu, ne po besedah cenimo človeka actions speak louder than words
    po délu spoznaš človeka by their works you will know them