despótski despotic; despotsko (prislov) despotically
destilácija distillation
suha destilácija destructive (ali dry) distillation
frakcijska destilácija fractional distillation
destilacíjski distillatory; distilling
destilácijski aparat distiller; still
destilácijska posoda distilling vessel (ali flask)
destilát distillate
-latêr distiller
destilátor (priprava) distiller
destilírati to distil; to extract the essence of
destimulatíven tending to weaken motivation, tending to make apathetic
destimulírati to weaken motivation; to make apathetic; to inactivate
destimulírati komu vnemo to cool someone's ardour
destinácija destination; purpose for which a thing is designed
destinatár (pisma) addressee, (paketa) consignee; (denarne pošiljke) payee
destinírati to destine (koga za kaj someone for something)
destitúcija (uradnika) dismissal, discharge, removal from office
destituírati (uradnika itd.) to dismiss, to discharge, to remove from office
destruktíven destructive; destroying
destruktívnost destructiveness
destrúktor destructor, destroyer
déščica small board; (skodla) shingle
drsalna déščica šport skateboard
dešifríranje decipherment; deciphering; reading; decoding
dešifrírati (hieroglife, slabo pisavo) to decipher; to read; to make out; (šifrírano brzojavko) to decode