devetíca devétka the number nine, the figure nine; (v kartah)
pikova devetíca, devétka the nine of spades
karova devetíca, devétka the nine of diamonds, pogovorno the curse of Scotland
Zadetki iskanja
- devêtič ninthly
- devetína a ninth, one ninth; the ninth part
- devétkrat nine times
- devétkraten devetêren ninefold
- devetnájst nineteen
- devétnajsti the nineteenth
- devetórica group of nine persons
- deviácija deviation (od from); swerving
deviácija (ladijskega) kompasa deviation, deflection of a (ship's) compass needle - devíca virgin; maid(en); spinster
stara devíca old maid, spinster
Blažena devíca religija Blessed Virgin
Devica, Devica Marija religija Virgin, Virgin Mary
Sveta devíca religija the Holy Virgin
Devica Orleanska the Maid of Orleans
zarjavela, stara devíca superannuated spinster, humoristično unappropriated blessing - devíčnik virgin
- devíški virginal, virgin; maiden, maidenish; chaste; (neomadeževan) virginal, immaculate; (gozd, zemlja) virgin; figurativno unused
devíški pas chastity belt - devíštvo maidenhood; virginity; maidenhead
odvzeti devíštvo to deflower - devíza grboslovje device, emblematic figure (ali design); (moto) motto, device
- devíze foreign currency, foreign exchange
notiranje devíz quotation of rates of exchange
pomanjkanje devíz shortage of foreign currency
tihotapec devíz foreign currency smuggler
močne (šibke) devíze hard (soft) currency - devizen (of) exchange; (of) currency
devizne določbe currency control regulations pl
devizni prestopek infringement of currency control regulations
devizni tečaj rate of exchange
devizna zapora exchange embargo
devizna politika foreign exchange policy
devizne rezerve foreign exchange reserves pl
devizna kontrola foreign exchange control - devolúcija devolution
- devón geologija Devonian (period), the Age of Fishes
- devónski geologija Devonian
- devóten devout; religious; pious; godly