
Zadetki iskanja

  • álbumski

    álbumski format fotografija cabinet size
  • aldehíd kemija aldehyde

    form aldehíd formaldehyde
  • aleatóričen risky, chancy, hazardous

    aleatóričen dogovor pravo aleatory contract
  • alegácija allegation; assertion; statement
  • alegóričen allegorical

    alegórično (prislov) allegorically
  • alegoríja allegory

    alegoríst allegorist
  • alegorizírati to allegorize
  • aléja (vozna, k hiši) drive; (vrtna) walk, path; (gozdna) avenue
  • Aleksánder Alexander; pogovorno Alec, Alex, Alick, Sander, Sandie, Sandy
  • aleksandrínec (verz) alexandrine
  • alelúja alleluia, hallelujah, halleluja; (jed) dish made from dried turnip peelings, traditionally eaten in Holy Week
  • alemánski Alemannic
  • alêrgičen allergic, (za to)

    alergíja allergy
  • álfa gramatika alpha

    álfa in omega znanosti the alpha and omega of science
  • alfabét alphabet; speller; spelling book

    urediti po alfabétu to arrange ali put in alphabetical order, to alphabetize
  • alfabétičen alfabétski alphabetical

    alfabétično (prislov) alphabetically
    po alfabétičnem redu in alphabetical order
    alfabétična tabela index (to a book)
  • alfabetírati to arrange ali put in alphabetical order, to alphabetize
  • Álfonz Alphonse
  • Álfred Alfred, Alf, Alfie, Alfy, Al
  • álga botanika alga, pl algae

    morska álga seaweed, (haloga) kelp
    užitna álga laver
    álge na mlaki scum on a pond