
Zadetki iskanja

  • dlakocépljenje hairsplitting; splitting hairs; cavilling
  • dlán palm (of hand)

    ležati na dláni (figurativno) to be evident, to be manifest
    to leži, je na dláni this (ali it) stands to reason; that is as plain as a pikestaff; this is patently obvious
  • dlésk zoologija hawfinch
  • dlésna gum; teethridge

    absces na dlésni gumboil
  • dlétast chisel-shaped
  • dlétiti to chisel
  • dléto chisel

    graversko dléto burin
  • dljè farther

    najdljè farthest
  • d-mol glasba D minor
  • dné

    dné 1. marca 1st March, March 1st (beri: the first of March, March the first)
  • dnéven daily

    dnévni izkupiček daily sales pl
    dnévna količina daily quantity
    dnévna poraba daily consumption
    dnévno poročilo daily report
    dnévna prodaja six-day sale
    dnévna proizvodnja daily output
    dnévni red agenda; order of the day
    dati na dnévni red to place on the agenda
    vzeti z dnévnega reda to take off the agenda
    dnévna svetloba (luč) daylight
    dnévna telovadba pogovorno daily dozen
    dnévna soba living room
    dnévna cena price of the day; current price
    dnévni (borzni) tečaj current rate of exchange
    dnévno delo day work
    dnévna izmena (posada) day shift, pogovorno days
    dnévni zaslužek daily wages pl, a day's pay
  • dnévnica daily wages pl; (plača) a day's pay; (pótna) daily (travelling) allowance; subsistence allowance
  • dnévničar lowest grade of government clerk, paid by the day
  • dnévnik diary; trgovina daybook; (časopis) daily, daily newspaper, journal; (uradni) gazette; (ladijski) log, logbook, journal

    pisec dnévnika diarist
  • dnévno daily; a day; every day

    dvakrat dnévno twice a day
    dnévno telovaditi pogovorno to do one's daily dozen
  • dnína day's work, daily work (of a hired labourer); day's pay, daily pay; yourneywork
  • dnínar journeyman, day labourer

    dninarij journeywork, day labour
  • Dnjeprostrój Dnieper Dam
  • dnó bottom; ground

    brez dna bottomless
    iz dna mojega srca moje duše from the bottom of my heart
    dnó ladje bilge, bilges pl
    škatla z dvojnim dnom a box with a false bottom
    izpij do dnna! bottoms up!, no heeltaps!
    iti na dnó (potopiti se, o ladji ipd.) to go to the bottom
    iti (stvari) do dna to get down to rock bottom
    priti na dnó zadeve, stvari to get to the root of the matter
    dotakniti se dna, priti do dna to touch the bottom
    priti čemu do dna (figurativno) to get to the bottom of something
    izbiti dnó to knock the bottom out of
    to izbije sodu dnó (figurativno) that tops everything
    kakšno dnó je tu, pesek ali blato? what is the bottom here, sand or mud?
  • do (nekako, okoli, skoraj) about, somehow, somewhat, in some way

    do sedem ur about seven hours; (časovno) till, until; (krajevno) as far as; up to
    od... do... from... till...; from... to...
    od treh do štirih from three to four
    do kdaj? when?, how long?
    do danes up to this day
    do sedaj so far, thus far
    do tedaj, do takrat till then, by that time
    do 5. aprila up to 5th April (beri: the fifth of April)
    do zdaj till (ali until) now, up to now, as yet, hitherto, so far
    do sedaj (zdaj) še ne not as yet
    do današnjega dne up to this day, to date, thus far
    do nedavnega until recently
    do nadaljnjega until further notice, for the present, pending further instructions, until further instructions
    (prav) do danes, do današnjega dne to this very day
    (prav) do zadnjega to the very last
    od petka do vključno nedelje from Friday to Sunday inclusive, ZDA from Friday through Sunday
    do treh (ne pozneje) by 3 o'clock
    (najpozneje) do by
    do konca tega tedna by the end of this week
    do božiča by Christmas
    od danes do jutri (kratkotrajten) short-lived, ephemeral, transient, provisional
    od leta do leta year in, year out
    živeti od danes do jutri to live from hand to mouth
    do roka dospelosti till due
    do vratu up to the neck
    do kolen up to the knees
    do temelja to the ground
    spremil te bom do pošte I'll see you as far as the post office
    ni mi do... I do not care for...
    ni mi do šal I am not in a joking mood
    plačal sem najemnino do 1. avgusta I have paid the rent up to 1st August (beri: the first of August)
    do zadnjega moža to the last man