dogájati se to happen, to take place, to occur; to chance, to arrive; to come to pass; to come about
dogaja se, da... it happens (ali it chances) that...
često se dogaja it often happens
Zadetki iskanja
- doglèd range of sight; field of vision. arhaično, figurativno ken
na doglèdu in sight, in view; within range of vision; in eyeshot of
zunaj doglèda beyond (ali out of) eyeshot - dogléden within sight; foreseeable; future
v doglédni bodočnosti in the foreseeable future - dógma dogma; tenet
- dogmátičen dogmatic
dogmatično (prislov) dogmatically - dogmátík dogmatist
- dogmátika dogmatics pl (s konstr. v sg)
- dogmatízem dogmatism
- dogmatizírati to dogmatize
- dognánje finding; discovery; result; (ugotovitev) statement, ascertainment
- dognáti to find; to ascertain (da that...); to establish
dognano dejstvo an established fact
imeti (kaj) za dognano to take (something) for granted - dogódek event; occurrence; happening; (vmesni) incident
brez dogódkov uneventful
poln dogódkov eventful
enkraten, edinstven dogódek unique (ali singular ali nonrecurrent) event, pogovorno one-off
važen, pravi dogódek quite an event
nobeni važni dogódki no events of note - dogodíti se to happen, to chance; to occur; to come to pass; to take place; to arrive; to befall; (raba peša) to transpire; arhaično to eventuate
to se je dogodilo včeraj it happened yesterday
isti pripetljaj se je dogodil pretekli teden the same incident occurred last week - dogodívščina adventure; unexpected incident
on ima vedno nenavadne dogodívščine he is always having extraordinary adventures (ali experiences) - dogòn (act of) driving (up) to
- dogoréti to burn down
- dogotovíti to finish; to bring to an end; to complete
- dogovárjanje
družbeno dogovárjanje social consultation - dogovárjati se (posvetovati se) to take counsel (s kom with someone), to confer with someone; to be in league (ali pogovorno in cahoots) with someone (za kaj, glede česa for something)
- dogóvor agreement; arrangement; compact; consensus; treaty; appointment
družbeni dogóvor social agreement; social compact
medsebojni dogóvor mutual compact
po splošnem dogóvoru by general agreement