ekstradícija extradition
ekstradírati to extradite
ekstrahírati to extract (iz from), to get out (of)
ekstrahírati sok iz citrone to squeeze a lemon, to squeeze the juice out of a lemon
ekstrahírati olje iz oliv to extract oil from olives, to press oil out of olives; (premog, rudo itd.) to mine, to extract; (marmor, kamen) to quarry; (nafto) to extract, to pump; (zob) to extract, to pull, to draw; (žebelj) to draw out
ekstrákcija extraction; medicina extraction; (zobá) drawing, pulling, extraction; (rude, premoga) mining, extrtaction; (nafte) extracting, pumping
ekstrákt (mesni itd.) extract; (iz knjige) extract, quotation; (rezimé) abstract, summary; (izpisek iz listin) certificate, certified extract from records
ekstraordináren extraordinary; unusual; uncommon
ekstraordinárij reader, senior lecturer, ZDA associate professor
ekstrapolírati to extrapolate
ekstravagánca extravaganza; extravagance; absurd action; absurd speech; absurdity
njegove ekstravagánce so ga uničile his extravagant expenses ruined him
ekstravagánten (oseba) foolish, wild, outrageous, unbalanced; (načrt) extravagant, wild, absurd
ekstrémen extreme; farthest; farthermost; last
ekstremno (prislov) extremely
ekstrémna levica politika the extreme left
ekstrémna mnenja, nazori extreme opinions
ekstrémen primer an extreme case
na ekstrémni meji at the extreme limit
privzeti ekstrémne mere, ukrepe to take extreme, drastic measures
zateči se k ekstrémnim ukrepom to resort to extreme measures
biti prisiljen privzeti ekstrémne mere to be forced to take drastic measures
ekstremíst ekstremístičen extremist
ekstremitéte pl anatomija hands and feet pl, extremities pl; (konja) points pl
ekstrémnost ➞ ekstrem
ekstrém(nost) extreme; extreme limit
do ekstrém(nost)i ambiciozen, stremuški ambitious in the extreme
gnati, tirati stvari do ekstrém(nost)i to go to extremes, to carry to extremes, to take things too far
iti iz enega ekstrém(nost)a v drugega to go from one extreme to the other
vedno zapada v ekstrém(nost)e he always goes to extremes
nasprotni ekstrém(nost) the opposite extreme
zapasti v drug ekstrém(nost) to turn from one extreme to the other
ekstrém(nost)i se privlačijo extremes meet
eksuberánca (besed, značaja) exuberance; (vegetacije) luxuriance, rankness, lushness
eksuberánten exuberant; (vegetacija) luxuriant, lush, rank, overgrown; (besede itd.) gushing; effusive
eksudácija exudation; sweating
eksudát medicina exudate
eksúl eksulánt exile