elasticitéta ➞ elastičnost
elástičen elastic; springy; figurativno flexible
elástična načela elastic principles
elástična vest (figurativno) elastic conscience
elástična žimnica spring-mattress
elástičnost elasticity; springiness; figurativno flexibility, spring
njegova hoja je izgubila svojo elástičnost the spring has gone out of his step
elástika elastic; elastic band; (india) rubber band
čevlj na elástiko elastic-sided boots pl, pogovorno jemimas
Eldorado El Dorado
eldorado figurativno paradise, promised land
Krka in Kolpa sta pravi Eldorado za ribiče the Krka and Kolpa rivers are a real paradise for anglers
elefantiáza medicina elephantiasis
elegán man of fashion, pogovorno swell; žargon toff; dandy, buck
elegánca elegance; (po modi) style, smartness; (drže, kretenj) grace; fashionableness, smartness
elegánten elegant; (po modi) stylish, fashionable, smart; well-dressed
elegántna družba the smart set
elegántno je oblečena she is smartly dressed
videti je zelo elegántna she looks very smart
elegíja elegy
pisec elegij elegist
pisati elegíje to elegize
elegíjski distih elegiac couplet, elegiacs pl
elékcija election; choice; choosing
eléktor zgodovina (volilni knez) Elector; (volilec) elector
elektorálen (volilen, volilski) electoral
elektrárna power station; electricity works pl; power plant
vodna elektrárna hydroelectric power station