
Zadetki iskanja

  • en ena, eno one; (neki -a -o) a, a certain, some

    ene škarje a pair or scissors
    ob eni(h) at one o'clock
    vlak ob enih the one o'clock train
    eno leto stara žival yearling
    soba z eno posteljo a single room
    vsi do enega one and all, (složno) unanimously, as (ali like) one man
    en kos za drugim (trganje) (by) piecemeal
    to je eno in isto it amounts to the same thing
    eni pravijo... some say...
    z eno besedo in a (ali one) word, briefly, to sum up
    on je z eno nogo že v grobu he has one foot in the grave, he is near death
    vstali so kot en mož they rose as (ali like) one man
    eno leto ali dve one or two years
    stran ena page one, first page
    številka ena number one
    Tisoč in ena noč the Arabian Nights' Entertainments, pogovorno the Arabian Nights, the Thousand and One Nights
    eni ga imajo radi, drugi ga sovražijo some like him, others hate him
    to moramo napraviti, eni ali drugi some of us have got to do it
    to mi je vseeno it is all the same to me, it makes no difference, I don't care, I don't mind
    vsi so bili enega (= istega) mnenja all were of one mind
    en (sam) človek tega ne bi zmogel no one man could do it
  • enačáj matematika equals sign, equal sign, equality sign
  • enáčba equation

    enáčba z 2 neznankama equation with two unknowns
    kvadratna enáčba quadratic equation
    rešiti enáčbo to solve (ali to resolve) an equation
    linearna enáčba linear equation
    kubična enáčba cubic equation
    enáčba z več neznankami simultaneous equation, equation with several unknowns
  • enáček (ekvivalent) equivalent
  • enáčenje equalisation
  • enáčica variant; pendant; companion piece
  • enáčiti to equate (z to, with) to equal; to equalize
  • enainpóluren of an hour and a half, an hour and a half's
  • enájst eleven

    stran enájst page eleven
    enájst nas bo there will be eleven of us
  • enajstérec hendecasyllable
  • enajstérica (športno moštvo) an eleven
  • enájsti eleventh

    Ludvik XI Louis XI (beri: Louis the Eleventh)
    enájstega v mesecu on the eleventh of the month
  • enájstič for the eleventh time; eleventhly
  • enajstína eleventh; eleventh part
  • enájstkrat eleven times
  • enajstléten of eleven years
  • enák equal, even, (vrednost) equivalent, (isti) same, identical; (podoben) like, alike, similar; (enoličen) uniform; equable

    dve enáki števili two equal numbers
    enáka razdalja equidistance
    enáka temperatura an even temperature
    biti enák to equal, to be the equal of, to be equal, to be on a par with
    ni mu enákega he has no equal, there is no one to match him, he is without an equal, he is unrivalled
    ni ti enák he is not your equal
    to ni bil enák boj it was not an equal fight
    boj med enakima nasprotnikoma equal fight
    boriti se ob enákih pogojih to fight on equal terms
    naleteti, najti sebi enákega to meet one's match
    imeti enáke deleže to have equal shares
    vsi državljani so enáki pred zakonom all citizens are equal before the law
    skušati biti enák to emulate, to vie with
    sta kar enáka (= imata iste napake) they are tarred with the same brush!
    plačati (vrniti) enáko z enákim (figurativno) to give someone tit for tat, to pay someone back in his own coin
    enako se z enákim druži birds of a feather flock together
  • enáko prislov equally; alike; likewise; in the same manner; just the same

    enáko star of the same age; coeval
    enáko oddaljen equidistant
    približno enáko velik much of a size
    enáko deliti to share alike
    enáko si bomo razdelili we'll share and share alike, žargon we'll split (everything) even Steven
    enáko rad bi šel tja kot kam drugam I'd just as well go there as anywhere else
    enáko prezirati svoje prijatelje in svoje sovražnike to despise oneself' friends and one's enemies alike
    to pride na enáko it amounts to the same thing
    enáko vračati to repay in kind, to retaliate
    ti besedi se enáko izgovarjata these two words are pronounced alike (ali have the same pronunciation)
  • enakobárven of the same colour
  • enakoglásje assonance; glasba accord, unison