ešofírati se to get excited
on se ešofira, brž ko to omenite he flares up as soon as you mention it
etablírati to establish; to institute; to create; to found; to set up; to work out
etamín (tkanina) etamine, cheesecloth
etápa stage; stopping place; distance between stopping places
iti, potovati v majhnih etápah to go, to travel by easy stages
v tej etápi svojega življenja at that stage of his life
nova etápa proti bogastvu a new step towards wealth
menjati konje na vsaki etápni postaji zgodovina to change horses at every stage
etatizírati to nationalize
etáža floor; (nadstropje) storey, ZDA story
stanuje na tretji etáži he is living on the third (ZDA fourth) floor
stolpnica z desetimi etážami a ten-storey (ZDA ten story) tower (ali tower block)
pet etážna hiša a five-storeyed (ZDA five-storied) building
etažêra set of shelves pl; whatnot; (nad kaminom) overmantel
éter ether
po étru over the airwaves
anestezija, narkotiziranje z étrom etherization
omamiti z étrom to etherize
etêričen kemija, figurativno ethereal; etheric
etêrična modrina ethereal blue
etêrično olje ethereal (ali volatile, essential) oil
etêričnost ethereal quality, etherealness, ethereality
eternizírati to eternize; to eternalize; to preserve from oblivion; to perpetuate; (zavlačevati v nedogled) to drag out, to protract, to drag on, to carry on interminably
etézije (severozahodni vetrovi) the Etesian winds pl
étičen ethical; ethic
étično (prislov) ethically
étika ethics pl (s konstr. v sg)