Etrúrija geografija Etruria
Etruščán; etruščánski Etruscan
etúda glasba étude, study
Chopinova etúda one of Chopin's studies, a Chopin étude, an étude by Chopin
etuí etui; case
etuí za cigare cigar case
etuí za očala spectacle case
etuí za revolver holster
etuí za šivanke, igle needle case
Eva Eva, Eve (tudi biblija), Evie
Evina hčerka daughter of Eve
v Evinem kostimu humoristično in one's birthday suit
evakuácija medicina, fiziologija evacuation, discharge; (prebivalstva, ranjencev) evacuation; clearing
evakuacíjska točka vojska casualty clearing station
evakuírati fiziologija to evacuate, to discharge, to get rid of, (iztrebke) to defecate; to remove, to withdraw, to clear out, to evacuate
evakuírati ranjence v zaledje to evacuate (ali to remove) the wounded to the rear
evalvácija evaluation; appraisement
evalvírati to value, to evaluate, to appraise
evangeličán Evangelical; Protestant; member of a Protestant sect
evangélij gospel
priseči na evangélij to swear by the gospel, to take one's gospel oath
oznanjevati evangélij to preach the gospel
evangelíst evangelist; gospeller, ZDA gospeler; preacher or the gospel
evaporizácija ➞ evaporacija
evdiométer kemija eudiometer