eventuálen possible; potential; conceivable; eventual; contingent
ob njegovi eventuálni vrnitvi in the event of his return
Zadetki iskanja
- eventuálno possibly; should the occasion arise; eventually
- eventuálnost eventuality; contingency; possibility
treba je predvideti eventuálnost vojne the possibility of war must be taken into account - evfemístičen euphemistic
- evfemízem euphemism
uporabljati evfemízme to euphemize - evfóničen euphonic; euphonious
- evfoníja euphony
- evfóričen euphoric
- evforíja euphoria
- Evfrat (reka) Euphrates
- Evgen; Evgénija Eugene, Gene; Eugenia, Gene, Genie
- evgéničen eugenic
- evgénik eugenist
- evgénika eugenics pl (s konstr. v sg)
- evharístičen eucharistic
- evharistíja religija eucharist
- evidénca (očitnost) obviousness, evidence, palpability, (očitno dejstvo) matter of fact; (pregled, nadzor) survey, control, supervision; record, records pl
voditi evidénca to keep a record (ali the records) - evidénčen
evidénčna tablica (avta) number plate, licence plate - evidénten evident; obvious; manifest
zločin je evidénten the crime is self-evident (ali manifest)
to je več kot evidéntno it's as plain as a pikestaff
evidéntno je, da... it is obvious (ali plain) that... - evidentirati (zapisovati) to keep a record (ali records) of; (nadzorovati) to control, to supervise, to superintend; to check; to verify