falzét falsetto
v falzétu in falsetto
v rezkem falzétu in a shrill falsetto
Zadetki iskanja
- falzificírati (dokumente itd.) to forge; to falsify; to fake; (popačiti) to tamper with; pogovorno to fiddle, to cook (zlasti račune)
- falzifikácija falsification, faking; (dokumenta) forgery
- falzifikát falsification, fake, pogovorno phoney, ZDA phony
- falzifikátor falsifier; (dokumentov itd.) forger, faker
- fáma (govorica) fame
- familiáren familiar; intimate with; (sproščen) relaxed, free and easy
predmet ti mora biti familiáren the subject must be familiar to you
ne bodi preveč familiáren z njim! don't be too familiar with him!
biti familiáren s kom to be on intimate terms with someone - familiárnost familiarity; close relations; intimacy; simplicity, informality
dovoliti si familiárnosti s kom to take liberties with someone
prevelika familiárnost kvari ugled familiarity breeds contempt - famílija family; members pl of a household; biologija family
- famózen famous, famed, celebrated; extraordinary
kot pevec ni famózen he is not much of a singer, as a singer he's not up to much; (zloglasen) notorious, infamous, disreputable - fámulus famulus, pl -li
- fanál lantern; light
signalni fanál signal light - fanátičen fanatical, fanatic; enthusiastic
fanátično prislov fanatically - fanátičnost fanatízem fanaticism
- fanátik fanatic
- fanatizírati to fanaticize
- fanfára (skladba) fanfare, flourish of trumpets; (pihalo) trumpet, fanfare trumpet
- fánt boy, lad, youth; youngster; stripling; young fellow; (ljubček) lover, boy friend, sweetheart; (neporočen) bachelor; (pri kartah) jack, knave
fánt od fare pogovorno brick, great guy, one of the lads (ali boys), the broth of a boy; (izvoljenec, stalen kavalir) steady
komaj 17 let star fánt a lad who's hardly seventeen
to dekle je pravi pravcati fánt that girl is a regular tomboy (ali hoyden) - fantalín mischievous child (ali youngster, kid); urchin, street urchin, street arab
- fantalínstvo prank; high jinks pl; skylarking