fibróm medicina fibroma, pl -as, -ata
fibrózen medicina fibrous
fíbula (zaponka) zgodovina fibula
fícek penny; rap
brez fícka penniless
ne dam fícka zanj I don't give a rap for him
ni fícka vredno it isn't worth a brass farthing
fičfirič frivolous, irresponsible young man; jackanapes
fidejkomís pravo trust
fiduciáren fiduciary
fíga botanika fig; (pričeska) bun; contemptuous gesture made with thumb between index and middle fingers
posušena fíga dried fig
venec fíg a string of figs
konjske fíge horse droppings, horse manure, horse dung, vulgarno horse turds
fíga mož (figurativno) one who reneges, reneger, unreliable fellow; bastard
biti fíga mož to go back on one's word; to break one's promise
fígo držati figurativno to keep one's fingers crossed, to cross fingers (za srečo for luck)
moramo fígo držati! touch wood!
fígo pokazati komu to make a contemptuous gesture at someone, to cock a snook at someone
to mi je fígo mar I don't care a damn about it, I don't give a hang (ali hoot) about it
za vsako fígo jokati to whimper (ali to cry) at the slightest provocation (ali žargon for damn all)
Figo, pa ne njegov obraz! His face my foot!
fígo (= nič) ji bo to koristilo! (ironično) a lot of good that'll do her!
fígo ti je mar! a lot you care!
fígaro (brivec) barber; (prebrisanec) crafty (ali cunning) old bird
figúra figure
figúra iz porcelana statuette, figurine
figúra pri šahu piece, chessman
govorna figúra figure of speech, rhetorical figure; metaphor
komična figúra a figure of fun
plesna figúra figure
ples v figúrah figure-dance
figúr poln jezik figurative language
on je samó figúra he is a mere figurehead, he's just a figurehead
igrati žalostno figúro to cut a poor figure
figurácija figuration
figurálen figural
figuránt gledališče (statist) extra, super, supernumerary; walk-on, actor with a walk-on part; figurativno figurehead
figurantka, figurántinja (female) extra, super; walk-on, actress with a walk-on part
figuratíven figurative
figurína figurine
figurírati to figure; to represent; (biti samo figura) to be a figurehead
njegovo ime ne figurira na seznamu his name does not figure on the list
fiksatív fixative
fiksatív za lase setting lotion; fixature
fíksen fixed
fíksne cene fixed (ali set) prices
fíksen dohodek fixed (ali steady) income
fíksna ideja fixed idea; obsession; monomania
to je njegova fíksna ideja it's an obsession with him
fiksír fotografija fixer; fixing solution
fiksírati (pričvrstiti) to fix, to fasten; (ceno, datum itd.) to fix, to determine, to settle; fotografija to fix
fiksírati koga (s pogledom) to stare at someone, to gaze hard at someone, to look fixedly at someone
nismo še fiksirali dneva the day has not yet been fixed (ali settled ali redko named, appointed)
fíksum fixed salary