
Zadetki iskanja

  • glúmiti (igrati) to act; to play (a role); (pretvarjati se) to feign, to simulate, to put on an act
  • glúšec deaf person

    kot da bi glúšcem govoril (figurativno) you might as well talk to a brick wall
  • glušéti to become deaf, to go deaf
  • glušílo glušník (pri avtomobilu) VB silencer, ZDA muffler
  • glušíti to deafen; to make deaf; (zvok) to muffle; (barvo) to tone down

    glušíti vesla to muffle the oats
  • glušljív deafening
  • gmájna (občinsko zemljišče) common
  • gmôta mass; bulk; material, matter
  • gmôten material; financial

    gmôtno vprašanje financial question
  • gnájs geologija gneiss
  • gnáti to drive; to move; to run; to work; (pogon) to impel, to propel; (stroje) to set going, to keep going (ali in motion)

    gnáti si k srcu to take to heart
    gnáti živino na pašo to take cattle to pasture, to put cattle on grass, to graze cattle
    žene me k njej (figurativno) I am longing to see her
    gnáti se (hiteti) to hurry, to make haste, to hasten
    predaleč kaj gnáti to push something too far
    gnáti se za bogastvom to scramble for wealth
  • gnéča crush; throng; press

    strašna gnéča a terrible crush
    nastala je gnéča ko so odprli vrata there was a crush when the door opened
    utirati si pot skozi gnéčo to force one's way through the crowd
    bila je gosta (strašna) gnéča it was tightly packed (terribly crowded)
  • gnésti (glino, testo itd. figurativno) to knead, (glino) to mould

    gnésti kot testo to knead like dough
    gnésti se to throng, to press, to swarm
    na ulicah se je gnetlo ljudi people thronged the streets
  • gnetênje kneading
  • gnetílnik (stroj) kneading machine
  • gnèv wrath, anger, indignation; pesniško ire
  • gnézdece little nest
  • gnézdenje nesting; (udobno) nestling; (skupaj) snuggling
  • gnézditi to nest, to build one's nest
  • gnézdo nest; (orlovo, roparic) eyrie, aerie, aery; (fazanov) arhaično nide; figurativno (dom) home, roof; figurativno haunt; (leglo) brood, hatch, (za žuželčja jajca) nidus

    gnézdo roparjev den of thieves
    polno gnézdo nestful
    graditi gnézdo to build a nest, arhaično to nidificate, to nidify
    krasti jajca iz gnézd to rob birds' nests
    položiti v gnézdo to nest
    sedeti na gnézdu to sit on the nest (to hatch)
    stikati za ptičjimi gnézdi to go bird's-nesting (ali bird-nesting ali nesting)
    sedeti v toplem gnézdu (figurativno) to live (ali to be living ali to be) in clover
    ustvariti si gnézdo (figurativno) to build one's nest (ali home), (oženiti se) to settle down to married life
    ptički brez gnézda (= otroci brez doma) waifs and strays
    napraviti si mehko gnézdo to feather one's nest