
Zadetki iskanja

  • gnosticízem filozofija gnosticism
  • gnóstičen; gnóstik gnostic
  • gnóza filozofija gnosis
  • gnú zoologija gnu
  • gnús nausea, disgust, loathing; aversion; repugnance (do, za to, against); abomination; abhorrence

    ki izzove gnús revolting
    gnús do življenja disgust with life, weltschmerz
    čutiti, imeti gnús do česa to hold something in abhorrence
    navdajati koga z gnúsom to nauseate someone
    to me navdaja z gnúsom that makes me feel sick
  • gnúsen nauseating, loathful, loathsome; sickening (tudi figurativno); (odvraten) repulsive, disgusting, offensive, nasty; (zločin) heinous, atrocious, abominable, odious; (besede) filthy, dirty, foul, indecent, obscene

    gnúsen zločin a heinous crime
  • gnúsiti se

    gnusi se mi it nauseates me, I am disgusted with, I am sickened by, I am sick and tired of, it turns my stomach, my stomach turns at, I abhor
    to se mi gnusi I loathe it, it makes me sick, it disgusts me, my stomach turns at it
  • gnúsnost loathsomenes; heinousness
  • góba botanika fungus, pl fungi, funguses; (plesen) mould; (za brisanje) sponge

    užitna góba mushroom, edible fungus, agaric
    kresilna góba dry fungus, tinder, touchwood, spunk, ZDA punk, arhaično amadou
    strupena góba poisonous mushroom, toadstool
    nabiralec gób gatherer of mushrooms
    veda o góbah mycology
    nabirati góbe to gather mushrooms, to go mushrooming
    rasti kot góbe po dežju to shoot up like mushrooms after the rain
  • góbar mycologist; (nabiralec) gatherer of mushrooms
  • góbast spongy; fungous; (plesniv) mouldy
  • góbav medicina leprous
  • góbavec -vka medicina leper

    bolnišnica za góbavce leper house, leprosarium
  • góbavost medicina leprosy (tudi figurativno)
  • góbček (smrček) snout
  • góbec muzzle; snout; nose; mouth; jaw

    drži góbec! (vulgarno) shut your gob (ali trap ali cakehole)!; shut up!; dry up!; pipe down!
    razbiti komu góbec (vulgarno) to bash someone's face in
  • gobelín Gobelin tapestry
  • gobezdáč babbler; blusterer
  • gobezdánje babbling, babble, babblement; blustering, bluster
  • gobezdáti to babble, to bluster