
Zadetki iskanja

  • gofré goffer
  • gofrírati to goffer; to emboss
  • gojênec -nka pupil; (internatski) boarder
  • gojíšče kemija nutrient medium, culture medium; fertile soil; (drevesnica) nursery
  • gojítelj grower; cultivator; (rejec) breeder
  • gojítev (rastlin) growing; cultivation; (reja) breeding
  • gojíti to cultivate; (cvetlice, zelenjavo, brado itd.) to grow; (živali) to breed; (čustvo, figurativno) to entertain, to nurse, to foster, to cherish, to harbour

    gojíti gosi to keep geese
    gojíti pse konje to breed dogs, horses
    gojíti solato to grow lettuce
    gojíti misel to entertain an idea
    gojíti zle naklepe to harbour ill designs
    gojíti prijateljstvo s kom to cultivate someone's friendship
    gojíti upanje to cherish a hope
    gojíti željo to foster a desire
    ali gojiš kako vrsto športa? do you go in for any kind of sport?
  • gójzarji gójzarice mountaineering boots pl; hobnailed boot pl; spiked mountain shoes pl
  • gókart go-cart
  • gól2 šport goal

    čuvar, vratar góla goalkeeper, pogovorno goalie
    vratnica góla goalpost
    gólova črta goal line
    beležiti, zabiti, doseči gól to score (ali to get) a goal
    voditi s tremi góli to lead by three goals, to have a three-goal lead
    brez góla (zadetka) goalless (ali no-score) draw
    igra, v kateri je premaganec brez góla pogovorno whitewash
    rezultat je 2 (gola) proti nič the score is 2 nil
  • gòl1 naked; nude; unclothed; in the nude; in the buff; (slečen) stripped; (teren, kraj) treeless, bleak, open; (glava) bare, uncovered; (brez perja) unfledged, callow; figurativno plain, udisguised; (meč) unsheathed, drawn

    z gòlim očesom with the naked eye
    z gòlimi rokami with one's bare hands
    čisto gòl in one's bare skin, stark naked
    do gòlega slečen stripped naked, stripped to the buff
    gòla dejstva the naked facts
    gòlo drevo a tree bare of leaves
    gòl(i) meč a naked sword
    gòla, čista potrata sheer waste
    iz gòle (čiste) potrebe by sheer necessity
    gòla (sama, čista) skala sheer rock
    gòla pokrajina bare landscape
    gòla resnica the naked truth
    do gòlega sleči to strip someone naked (ali to the buff)
    do gòlega so jih slekli they stripped them naked
  • golázen vermin (s konstr. v pl); pest

    vrtna golázen garden pests pl
    sredstvo proti golázni pesticide
    zatiranje golázni pest control
  • gólaž goulash; stewed steak

    plačati volilni gólaž (volilcem) politika zgodovina to treat the voters
  • goldínar florin
  • golén anatomija shank
  • goleníca (kost) shinbone, shin, tibia; shank
  • goleníšče leg of boot
  • golenják (oklep za golen ali kolena) šport shin guard, shin pad
  • gólf golf

    igrišče za gólf golf links pl, golf course
    igralec gólfa golfer
    hlače za gólf plus-fours pl
    nosač golfskih palic caddie
    oprema za gólf golf equipment
    palica za gólf golf club
    žogica za gólf golf ball
    mini gólf miniature golf
  • golfíšče golf course; (golf) links pl