
Zadetki iskanja

  • gostíti1 to entertain, to treat, to give someone a treat; (bogato) to regale (z with)

    gostíti koga z dobro večerjo to treat someone to a good dinner
    mnogo gostíti to entertain a great deal
    kraljevsko koga gostíti to give someone a royal (ali magnificent) treat
    jaz sem na vrsti, da gostim it's my turn, pogovorno this is on me, I'm in the chair
    gostíti se to feast (on), to revel (in), to regale oneself (with)
  • gostíti2 (narediti gosto) to condense; to thicken

    gostíti se (postatati gost) to thicken, to become thick (ali dense), to condense
    množica se gosti (veča) it is getting more (and more) crowded (ali packed)
  • gôstja lady guest; gledališče actress making guest appearance
  • gostobeséden loquacious; talkative; verbose
  • gostobesédnost loquaciousness, loquacity, talkativeness; verboseness, verbosity
  • gostoléti to trill; (ptice) to warble; to shake
  • gostolévek glasba shake; trill; warble
  • gostoljúben hospitable

    gostoljúbno (prislov) hospitably
    biti gostoljúben to keep open house (ali open door)
  • gostoljúbnež a hospitable person
  • gostoljúbnost hospitality

    zahvalno pismo za gostoljúbnost bread-and-butter letter
    zlorabiti gostoljúbnost kake osebe to trespass on someone's hospitality
  • gostóta (prebivalstva) density (tudi fizika)
  • gostotomér densimeter
  • gostovánje feast; treat; (igralca, -lke) guest appearance of an actor (oziroma actress)

    enkratno, enovečerno gostovánje gledališče one-night stand
  • gostováti (igralec) to make a guest appearance, to be on tour (in)
  • góšča sediment; grounds pl; dregs pl; kemija residue, residuum, pl -ua; settling; (kalež) lees pl
  • góščar (partizan) partisan, (francoski) maquis

    postati góščar to take to the bush
  • goščáva thicket; thick bush; copse, coppice
  • Gót zgodovina Goth
  • gótica Gothic alphabet; Gothic characters pl; black letters pl
  • gótika Gothic art