
Zadetki iskanja

  • gotizítati to gothicize
  • gotóv (končan) finished (off), done, complete; (pripravljen) ready, prepared, (jed) dressed; (zanesljiv, siguren) certain, sure

    gotóva (konfekcijska) obleka ready-made clothes pl, (cenena) slops pl
    gotóva (zanesljiva) smrt certain death
    za gotóv denar for cash, for ready money
    gotóv (prepričan) sem uspeha I feel sure of success
    gotóv sem z delom I have done working
    si gotóv? have you finished? ZDA are you thru?
    nikoli nisi pravočasno gotóv you are never ready in time
    zajtrk je gotóv breakfast is ready
  • gotovína ready money; cash; (v blagajni) cash in hand, pogovorno the ready

    v gotovíni in cash, cash down
    za gotovíno for (prompt) cash
    cena za gotovíno cash price
    plačilo v gotovíni payment in cash, cash payment
    plačati v gotovíni to pay (in) cash, to pay cash down, to pay on the nail
    imam malo gotovíne I am short of cash
    nimam gotovíne I have no ready money
    manjka mi gotovíne I am short of cash
    prodati za gotovíno to sell for cash
  • gotovínski cash

    gotovínskii sistem the cash system of paymet, payment in cash
  • gotóvo certainly; sure, surely; positively

    gotóvo! certainly! for sure!, ZDA sure!
    popolnoma gotóvo (humoristično) as sure as eggs is eggs; as sure as death and taxes
    nekaj je gotóvo one thing remains certain
    čisto gotóvo (zanesljivo) without fail, assuredly
    tako gotóvo kot živim as sure as I live
    to gotóvo ne more biti njen brat it surely cannot be her brother
    vrata so gotóvo odprta the door is sure to be open
    gotóvo bo prišel prvi he is sure to come first
    počasi, a gotóvo slowly, but surely
  • gotóvost certainty; sureness; arhaično surety; (zanesljiva stvar) VB žargon cert, dead cert, ZDA žargon cinch; (pripravljenost) readiness

    ne morem trditi z gotóvostjo I cannot state with certainty (ali positively), pogovorno I can't say for sure
    ugotoviti gotóvost dejstva to establish the certainty of a fact
  • gótski Gothic

    gótska umetnost Gothic art
    gótski slog Gothic, Gothic architectural style, Gothicism
  • gótščina Gothic, the Gothic language
  • govédar (živinorejec) cattle breeder, cattleman, pl -men, VB grazier; (gonjač) cattle-driver, ox-driver; (trgovec, gonjač) drover; (pastir) cowherd, cow hand, zastarelo neatherd; ZDA cowboy
  • govédina beef

    kuhana govédina boiled beef
    konzervirana govédina corned beef
    pečena govédina roast beef
    soljena govédina salt beef
  • govédo cattle; zastarelo neat

    hlev za govédo cow shed, VB byre, ZDA cow barn
    krma za govédo (cattle) fodder, feed
    reja govéda cattle breeding
    rejec govéda cattle man, pl -men, cattle breeder
  • goveják cowpat, heap of cow dung, cattle droppings
  • govéji

    govéja juha beef broth, (za bolnike) beef tea
    govéji jezik ox tongue
    govéja kuga cattle plague
    govéji loj beef tallow, (kuhinjski) beef fat, beef suet
    govéje meso beef
    govéje usnje oxhide, cowhide
    govéji zrezek beefsteak
  • govnáč zoologija dung beetle, dorbeetle, dor
  • góvno dug; ordure; (živalsko) droppings pl; excrement; (iz greznice) (fekalije) night soil
  • gôvor speech; (javen) address; (slovesen) oration; (jezik) language, idiom, tongue; (napitnica, zdravica) toast

    gôvor brez priprave extemporaneous speech, spech delivered extempore (ali ad lib)
    nagrobni gôvor funeral oration, graveside eulogy
    dar gôvora gift of speech
    prvi gôvor (poslanca v parlamentu) maiden speech
    obrambni gôvor pravo speech for the defence
    poslovilni gôvor valedictory (speech)
    prestolni gôvor speech from the throne
    premi gôvor gramatika direct speech
    zavisni gôvor gramatika indirect speech
    vezani gôvor metrical language (of poetry, verse)
    nevezani gôvor nonmetrical language (prose)
    imeti dolgovezen gôvor to make a longwinded speech
    izguba gôvora loss of speech
    gôvor je o... the subject under discussion (ali in question) is...
    o tem ni gôvora, ne more biti gôvora that is out of the question
    imeti gôvor to make (ali to deliver) a speech (o on)
    o čem je gôvor? what are you talking about?; what's it all about?
    ni gôvora vredno it is not worth mentioning
    svoboda gôvora freedom of speech
    oseba, ki piše gôvore za druge ghost writer, speech writer
  • góvoren speaking; concerned with speech

    góvorni spodrsljaj slip of the tongue
    góvorni organ organ of speech, speech organ
  • govoríca rumour; talk(ing); language; report; (čenče) gossip, tattle, pogovorno blabber; (narečje) dialect

    prazne govoríce nonsense, pogovorno poppycock, bosh
    govoríca se je izkazala kot lažniva the rumour has proved false
    širijo se govoríce rumours have got abroad
    govoríca gre the rumour goes, rumour has it, it is rumoured
    govoríca se širi it is widely rumoured (da that)
    širiti govoríco to spread a rumour
    to je samó govoríca this is only a rumour
    te govoríce se širijo z namenom, da... these rumours (ali reports) are spread only with the object of...
    bile so govoríce o njegovem odstopu (demisiji) there have been rumours (ali reports) of his resigning
  • govoríčenje idle talk, nonsense, rubbish, žargon bosh; rumour; report
  • govoričiti to speechify; to talk nonsense

    govoriči se it is rumoured, it is whispered
    o njem se govoriči, da je... he is rumoured (to be...)