
Zadetki iskanja

  • grabežljív rapacious; grasping; greedy; scraping, predatory
  • grabežljívec a greedy man; plunderer; predator
  • grabežljívost rapacity, rapaciousness
  • grabíti to rake (seno hay); figurativno to grab (at), to snatch (at); to grasp; to seize; (ropati) to rob, to plunder; (skupaj kopičiti) to scrape together (denar money)

    grabíti suho listje to rake up the dead leaves
  • grabljávec -vka raker
  • gráblje rake

    gramozne gráblje gravel rake
    senene gráblje hayrake
    železne gráblje iron rake
    gráblje ima, vil pa ne pogovorno with him it's all take and no give
  • grábljice small rake

    mlinske grábljice mill rakes pl
  • grabljívec grabber, greedy man, predator
  • grácija (milina, dražest) grace

    tri Gracije mitologija the Three Graces
  • gracílen slim, slender; dainty, delicate
  • gracílnost slimness, slenderness; daintiness
  • graciózen graceful; attractive; charming
  • gracióznost gracefulness, grace; attractiveness
  • grád (fevdalen, utrjen) castle; (kraljev, knežji) palace; castle; (graščina) manor; (podeželski) country seat

    grádovi na reki Loire Loire-valley chateaus (ali chateaux), chateaus on the Loire
    Versajski grád the palace of Versailles
    zidanje grádov v oblake (figurativno) wishful thinking; building (of) castles in the air
    obljubljati komu zlate grádove to promise someone the earth
    sesuti se kot grád iz kart to collapse like a house of cards
    zidati grádove v oblake to build castles in the air (ali in Spain)
    ne zidaj grádov v oblake! don't count your chickens before they're hatched!, arhaično sell not the bear's skin before you have caught the bear
  • gradánica (za pse) spiked dog-collar; training collar
  • gradášar carder; teaseler
  • gradáše carding machine; teasel, teazel, teazle
  • gradášiti (volno) to card; to teasel, to teazle

    grobo gradášiti to scribble
    gradášiti žimnico to comb out a mattress
  • grádba construction; structure

    stolp masivne grádbe a tower of massive structure
  • grádben (of) construction, building; constructive; architectoral

    grádbeno dovoljenje building permit
    grádbena družba building society
    grádbena industrija building industry, building trades pl
    grádbeni material building materials pl
    grádbeni mojster builder
    grádbeni podjetnik building contractor, contractor
    grádbeni les timber
    grádbeni oder scaffolding
    grádbeni stroški building expenses pl, cost of construction
    grádbeni inženir constructional engineer, civil engineer, structural engineer