
Zadetki iskanja

  • grádbenik builder; building contractor; architect
  • gradbínec (delavec) construction worker; worker in the building trade
  • grádelj (platno) ticking
  • gradíč (graščina, dvorec) manor, manor house
  • gradíšče (utrdba) ancient fort; site of ancient fort; buildig site
  • gradítelj builder; architect; building contractor; constructor
  • gradíti to build; to construct; to erect; (most) to make, to build, (ladjo) to build; (s kamnom) to mason

    gradíti na pesku to build on sand
    gradíti na (figurativno) to build upon, to depend upon, to rely on
  • gradívo material
  • gradnja building; construction; erection; making

    v gradnji under construction
    hiša v gradnji house in course of construction
    ministrstvo za javne gradnje VB Ministry of public Buildings and Works
    gradnja železnice the building of a railway
    biti v gradnji to be under construction
  • grad(us) (stopnja) grade; degree; rank; matematika degree
  • grafém (črka) grapheme
  • gráfičen graphic; printing

    gráfična predstavitev graphic (ali diagrammatic) representation
    gráfična risba diagrammatic drawing; graph; diagram
    gráfične umetnosti the graphic arts pl
    črno predstaviti to represent graphically
  • grafíja graphic system; spelling system
  • gráfik graphic artist; illustrator
  • gráfika graphics pl (s konstr. v sg); the graphic arts pl
  • gráfikon graph; diagram; diagrammatic drawing
  • grafírati to graphite; to coat with graphite
  • grafít mineralogija graphite; black lead, plumbago

    prevleči z grafítom to graphitize
  • grafíten

    grafítni talilnik graphite crucible
    grafítno črnilo black-lead wash
  • grafítnik blacklead pencil