
Zadetki iskanja

  • grápast cleft; fissured
  • grasírati medicina to rage, to be rife (ali rampant), to spread
  • graščák lord of the castle, lord of the manor
  • graščákinja lady of the castle, lady of the manor
  • graščína manor, manor house; country seat; mansion, mansion house
  • grášek pea
  • grášica botanika vetch

    navadna grášica sweet pea
  • gratifikácija gratification
  • grátis gratis; free (of charge); for nothing; gratuitously
  • gratulacíjski congratulatory, arhaično gratulatory
  • gratulánt(ka) congratulator
  • gratulíranje congratulation, arhaično gratulation
  • gratulírati to congratulate (za on, upon), arhaično to gratulate

    gratulirati si (drug drugemu) to congratulate one another
    gratuliral sem si, da sem to naredil I congratulated myself (ali pogovorno I gave my self a pat on the back) for doing this
  • gravámen gravamen
  • gravêr engraver
  • gravêrski engraving

    gravêrska igla engraving needle
  • gravídna (noseča) gravid
  • gravídnost (nosečnost) gravidity
  • gravírati to engrave
  • grávis (krativec) gramatika grave accent (`), used in Slovene to mark a short stressed syllable