
Zadetki iskanja

  • grenkóben bitterish
  • grenkóst ➞ grenkoba

    grenkósti življenja the bitter side of life, (knjižno) life's woes
    z grenkóstjo bitterly
  • Grénlandija geografija Greenland
  • gréšen sinful

    gréšna duša sinful soul
    gréšno življenje sinful life
  • grešênje sinning; offence; arhaično trespass
  • grešíti to sin; to commit a sin; arhaično to trespass; to fall into sin; to do wrong

    grešíti zoper to offend against, to sin against
    grešíti zoper pravila kluba to infringe the rules of the club
  • gréšnik -ica sinner; transgressor, arhaično trespasser; offender

    star gréšnik, -ica old offender, hoary sinner
  • gréšnost sinfulness; iniquity
  • gréti to warm; to heat

    gréti se to warm oneself
    gréti se na soncu to bask
    gréti (si) posteljo to warm one's bed
    gréti se pri ognju to warm oneself at the fire
    voda se greje the water is getting warm
    on ni vreden, da ga sonce greje he is a worthless fellow, he is not worth his salt, he is a good-for-nothing
  • grétje warming; heating; (na soncu) basking; arhaično calefaction

    centralno grétje central heating, steamheating, (za vso mestno četrt) district heating
  • gréz (blato) mud, slime, silt; sludge, ooze
  • grezílo (s svinčnico) sounding line; sound
  • gréznica cesspit; cesspool; sump
  • gréž (surova svila) raw silk
  • gŕgavec anatomija Adam's apple
  • grgránje gargling; gargle

    voda za grgránje gargle
  • grgráti to gargle
  • gríč hill; height

    majhen gríč hillock, knoll
    valoviti gríči rolling hills pl
  • gríček hillock; knoll; hummock
  • gríčevje hills pl

    gríčevnat hilly