
Zadetki iskanja

  • gríf grifón mitologija, grboslovje griffin, griffon, gryphon
  • grínja zoologija mite

    grínjav infested with mites
  • grínta medicina scab, veterina mange
  • grípa medicina influenza, grippe, pogovorno flu

    španska grípa Spanish influenza
  • grísti to bite; (izjedati) to fret; (o kislini) to corrode; (o vesti) to prick, to sting; (peči, boleti) to smart; to worry

    grize (žalostí) me I grieve
    žena ga grize his wife leads him a cat and dog life
    grísti se figurativno to grieve, to fret; to worry; to eat one's heart out
    grísti se med seboj to torment one another, to lead a cat and dog life, to nag one another
  • griva mane (tudi figurativno)

    konjska griva (horse's) mane
    levja griva lion's mane; (gosti lasje) long, thick head of hair, pogovorno thatch, mop
  • grízenje biting; bite; (vesti) remorse, compunction, pricks pl (ali twinges pl) of conscience, scruples pl
  • grizét(k)a (deklè) (francosko) grisette, lively young French working-class girl
  • grízli zoologija grizzly
  • gríža medicina dysentery

    amebna gríža amoebic dysentery
    krvava gríža arhaično bloody flux; veterina scour pl (s konstr. v sg ali pl); geologija talus
  • grížast grížav dysenteric
  • grižljáj mouthful, bit, morsel; snack

    biti pravi »grižljáj« za koga to be meat and drink to someone
    očitajo mi vsak grižljáj they grudge me every bite I eat
  • Gŕk Gŕkinja Greek; Greek (woman)
  • gŕkati (grlica) to coo; to burr; to speak with a burr
  • gŕlen guttural

    gŕleni glas gramatika guttural
  • gŕlica turtle, turtledove; ZDA mourning dove
  • grlína (goveda) dewlap
  • gŕliti (o grlici) to coo
  • gŕlo anatomija throat; (steklenice) neck; gorge, gullet

    vnetje gŕla tonsillitis, quinsy
    kronično vnetje gŕla arhaično clergyman's throat
    gŕlo me boli I have a sore throat
    imeti suho gŕlo (figurativno) to have a cobweb in one's throat
    ozko gŕlo (figurativno, pogovorno) bottleneck
    kričati, vpiti na vse gŕlo to shout (knjižno to cry, to cry out) at the top of one's voice, pogovorno to cry blue murder
    nastaviti komu nož na gŕlo to put a knife to someone' throat
    pognati po gŕlu (izpiti) to knock it back
    glas mi je zastal v gŕlu I had a lump in my throat
    besede so mi obtičale v gŕlu the words stuck in my throat
    peti na vse gŕlo to sing at the top of one's voice
    prerezati gŕlo komu to cut someone's throat
    na vse gŕlo se smejati to roar with laughter
    sit sem tega do gŕla I am sick and tired of that, I am bored to death (ali to tears) with that, I'm fed up to the back teeth with that, ZDA pogovorno it's coming out of my ears, it bores the pants off me
    do gŕla sem vsega sit I've had a bellyful, žargon I'm absolutely cheesed off
  • gŕm shrub; bush

    kaj je za gŕmom? (figurativno) what's round the corner?
    v tem gŕmu tiči zajec (figurativno) there's the rub, that is where the shoe pinches