
Zadetki iskanja

  • gróbnica vault; vaulted tomb; sepulchre; (kripta) crypt

    družinska gróbnica family vault
  • grobokòp gravedigger; sexton
  • grobóst rudeness; roughness; coarseness; roughness
  • gród (v mlinu) (mill) hopper; funnel
  • gródelj pig iron; pig; crude iron
  • gródnica (kost) breastbone; sternum, pl -rna
  • gròf (britanski) earl; (nebritanski) count

    deželni gròf landgrave
    mejni gròf margrave; marquis
    istrski mejni gròf Margrave of Istria
  • grofíca countess

    deželna grofíca landgrovine
    mejna grofíca margravine
  • grofíja county; shire

    mejna grofíja zgodovina margraviate
  • grofóvski count's, earl's; belonging to (ali worthy of) a count (oziroma an earl); figurativno noble

    grofóvska krona earl's (oziroma count's) coronet
    grofóvski stan earldom; rank of count
  • grofóvstvo earldom; title of count
  • gróg (pijača) grog
  • gróh geologija (sprimek) conglomerate
  • grohôt ➞ krohot
  • gròm thunder; thunderclap; a clap of thunder

    brez gròma thunderless
    blisk z gròmom thunderbolt
    gròm se valí (the) thunder rolls
    gròm in blisk thunder and lightning
  • grómek gromóven

    grómek, gromóven glas thunderous (ali stentorian) voice
  • gromovít thundering, thunderous, thundery

    gromovíto ploskanje thunderous applause
  • gromóvnik thunderer

    gromóvnik Jupiter Jove (ali Jupiter) the Thunderer
  • gromozánski huge; enormous

    gromozánski smeh roar (ali outburst) of laughter
  • grómski thunderous, thundering

    grómska strela! by Jove!, good lord!, good heavens!