
Zadetki iskanja

  • grós (izgovorjava gro)

    en grós wholesale; vojska (glavnina) main body
  • grós (144 kosov) gross; twelve dozen

    veliki grós (1228 kosov) arhaično great gross
  • grosíst wholesaler; wholesale dealer; wholesale trader, wholesale merchant
  • gróš (ničvreden kovanec) farthing, penny; (avstrijski) groschen sg, pl

    počen gróš brass farthing
    gróša ne vreden not worth a groat (ali a bean)
    ni vredno počenega gróša it is not worth a farthing; it is not worth a brass farthing
    ne bi ti dal počenega gróša za ta škart I wouldn't give you a brass farthing for that rubbish
  • grót (mill) hopper; funnel
  • grotéska grotesque

    grotésken grotesque
  • grotésknost grotesqueness
  • grôza dismay, horror, dread, creeps pl

    občutek grôze creeping sensation
    v mojo grôzo to my dismay, to my horror
    navdan z grôzo, prevzet od grôze seized with horror; horror-stricken, horror-struck
    grôza me je (ob) I shudder (at), it makes my flesh creep, my blood runs cold, it gives me a creepy feeling, it gives me the creeps (ali the horrors)
    grôza me je tega that is what I dread most of all, that is my nightmare
    navda(ja)ti z grôzo koga to give someone the creeps
    to me je navdalo z grôzo it gave me the horrors
    odskočiti v grôzi to recoil in horror
    strah in grôza zločincev the terror of criminals (ali evildoers)
  • gròzd a bunch (ali a cluster) of grapes; botanika raceme
  • grózdast grape-like; clustered; bunchy; botanika, medicina racemose

    grózdasta žleza racemose gland
  • grózdek small bunch of grapes
  • grózden of grapes; grapy, kemija racemic

    grózdna kislina racemic acid
    grózdna koščica grapestone
    grózdno žganje grape brandy
    grózdna kura grape cure
    grózdni sladkor grape sugar, dextrose
  • grozdíčje

    rdeče grozdíčje redcurrant
    črno grozdíčje blackcurrant
  • grózdje grapes pl

    suho grózdje dried grapes, (rumene rozine) sultanas, (črne) raisins, (majhne) currants
    kislo grózdje (tudi figurativno) sour grapes
    obiranje, trgatev grózdja vintage, grape harvesting, grape gathering
    obirač, trgač grózdja vintager, grape harvester, grape gatherer
    stiskalnica za grózdje winepress
    stiskati grózdje to press grapes
    tlačiti, gaziti grózdje to tread grapes
  • grózdnat full of grapes
  • grozéč; grozílen menacing, threatening; minatory, arhaično minacious; imminent

    grozéč; grozíleno pismo threatening letter
    grozeče (prislov) menacingly
  • grózen dreadful, fearful; terrific, terrible; awful; tremendous
  • grozíti to threaten; to menace

    grozíti miru to threaten peace
    grozili so nam s kaznijo they threatened us with punishment
    grozil mi je z revolverjem he threatened me with his revolver
    vojna nam grozi war is imminent
    nebo grozi z nevihto the sky threatens a storm
    hiši grozi zrušenje the house threatens to collapse
    velika nevarnost nam grozi a great danger threatens us
    nevarnosti, ki nam grozijo the dangers hanging over us
    upor grozi, da se bo razširil the revolt threatens to spread
  • grozljív horrible, dreadful; thrilling; uncanny
  • grozljívka (film itd.) thriller; horror film