
Zadetki iskanja

  • grozljívost uncanniness; dreadfulness
  • grozodéjstvo atrocity; deed of horror; abominable deed; cruelty

    zakriviti grozodéjstva to perpetrate (ali to commit) atrocities
  • grozôta horror

    vojne grozôte the horrors of war
  • grozôten horrible; dreadful; awful; atrocious; abominable
  • grozôtnost monstrousness; dreadfulness; monstrosity
  • grozovít atrocious, horrible, awful, dreadful, cruel, abominable
  • grozovládje (v franc. revoluciji) the (Reign of) Terror
  • grôžnja menace; threat; threatening

    prazne grôžnje empty (ali idle) threats pl
    izustiti, izreči grôžnje to utter threats
  • gŕščina Greek, the Greek language

    učiti se moderne gŕščine to learn modern Greek
  • grški Greek; (arhitektura, profil) Grecian

    grška Cerkev the Greek Church
    grški križ Greek cross
    grški ogenj Greek fire
    grški pesniki the Greek poets pl
    grški profil Grecian profile
    grški vozel (pričeska) Grecian knot
  • grúča lump; (kup) heap; (zemlje) clod; (ljudi) group, crowd, throng
  • grúčast lumpy; cloddy
  • grúda clod (of earth); lump; soil; pesniško glebe

    rodna grúda native soil
    biti navezan na svojo rodno grúdo to be deeply attached (ali devoted) to one's native soil
  • grúdast cloddy; abounding with clods
  • grúden (mesec) December
  • grúdi bosom; breast (s pl)
  • grúliti (grlica itd.) to coo
  • grundírati (slikarstvo) to ground, to prime
  • grùnt large estate
  • grúntar big landowner