
Zadetki iskanja

  • grúpa group; gang; team

    v grúpah in groups
  • grúpen

    grúpenni vodja squad leader; section leader; section commander
    grúpenni posnetek fotografija group photograph
  • grupíranje grouping; arrangement; classification; concentration
  • grupírati to group; to concentrate; to arrange; to compile

    grupírati se to form groups
  • grúst (stud) disgust; loathing
  • grústen grustljív (ostuden) disgusting, loathsome
  • grústiti

    grústiti komu veselje to spoil someone's pleasure
    grústiti se to feel sick (at), to loathe
    to se mi grusti I loathe it, I feel a loathing for it, I feel disgusted with it
    grusti se mi delo I am disgusted with work, I loathe work
  • grúšč rubble; rubbish; gravel
  • grúščast rubbly, gravely; covered with rubble (ali gravel)
  • grúšec boulders pl, rubble, gravel; broken stone; ZDA crushed rock
  • gúba (splošno) fold; (v obleki) fold, plait, pleat, (na hlačah) crease; geologija fault; (na obrazu) wrinkle

    brez gúb without folds; unwrinkled
    od starosti v dve gúbe bent with age
    hoditi v dve gúbe to walk with a stoop
    delati gúbe to crease, to pucker; to wrinkle
    zgladiti gúbe to smooth the folds
  • gúbati to fold; (blago) to crease; to plait

    gúbati čelo to wrinkle (up) one's forehead (ali one's brow)
    gúbati se to crease, to plait, to fold, to wrinkle; to pucker
  • gubíti to lose

    gubíti čas to waste one's time
    gubíti čas in trud to waste one's time and trouble (ali pains)
    da ne gubimo časa to save time
    on ne gubí časa! he doesn't let the grass grow under his feet!
    gubíti se v množici to be lost in the crowd
    vrh gore se je gubil v oblakih the top of the mountain was lost to sight in the clouds
  • gudrón tar

    asfaltni gudrón bitumen; asphalt
  • gudronizíranje tarring
  • gudronizírati to tar

    gudroniziran karton (za strehe) tarred felt, roofing felt
  • gugálen rocking

    gugálni konj rocking horse
    gugálni stol rocking chair
    gugálna (viseča) mreža hammock
  • gugálnica swing

    otroška gugálnica children's swing
  • gugálnik (stol) rocking chair
  • gúganje (na gugalnici) swing, swinging