
Zadetki iskanja

  • gúgati to swing; to rock

    gúgati se to rock
    miza se guga the table is rocking
    gugati v (gugalnem) stolu to rock in a (rocking) chair
    otroci so se gugali na vrtu the children were playing on the swing(s) in the garden
  • gúlež (pilež, stremuh) swot, swotter; plodder
  • gúliti (dreti, kožo) to flay, to skin; (treti) to rub, to chafe; figurativno (odirati, s ceno) to fleece, to overcharge, to extort

    gúliti se (o koži) to shed (one's) skin, to peel off; (učiti se) to swot, to cram, to grind, pogovorno to bone up on something
  • gúma rubber, india rubber, caoutchouc; (pnevmatika) (pneumatic) tyre

    regenerirana gúma reclaimed rubber
    trda gúma hardened rubber
    defekt gúme blowout, puncture
    rokavice iz gúme rubber gloves pl, insulating gloves pl
    čolnič iz gúme rubber dinghy
    penasta gúma sponge rubber, sprayed rubber, foam rubber
  • gúmarice (čevlji) rubber-soled shoes pl
  • gúmast rubbery; gummy

    gúmasti čoln rubber boat, inflatable boat
    gúmasta smola gummy resin, rubber latex
    gúmasto tesnilo rubber gasket
    gúmasti artikel rubber article
    gúmasta cev rubber hose; rubber tube, tubing
    gúmasti balon rubber balloon
    gúmasta grejača rubber hotwater bottle
    gúmasti tekoči trak rubber conveyor belt
    gúmasti valjar rubber roller
    gúmasti škornji rubber boots pl
    gúmasta čepica rubber cap
  • gúmb button; (neprišit, za ovratnik) collar stud

    manšetni gúmbi cuff links pl
    gúmb na vratih doorknob
    gúmb pri radiu itd. knob
    prevlečen gúmb covered button
    odpeti gúmb to undo a button
    zapeti gúmb to do up a button
    zapeti z gúmbom to button (up)
    gúmb se je odpel a button has come undone
    gúmb se je odtrgal a button came off
    čevelj na gúmbe boot with buttons
    izdelovatelj gúmbov button manufacturer, button maker
  • gúmbnica buttonhole

    cvetlica v gúmbnici buttonhole
  • gúmen rubber; made of rubber

    gúmeni žig rubber stamp
  • gúmi rubber; gum

    tesnilni gúmi rubber for packing
    žvečilni gúmi chewing gum
  • gumiarábikum gum arabic

    lepiti z gumiarábikumom to gum
  • gúmica (radirka) rubber, india rubber; eraser
  • gumielástika elastic
  • gúmigut gamboge
  • gúm(ij)ast

    gúm(ij)asti čevlji gumboots pl
    gúm(ij)asti čoln rubber boat
    gúm(ij)asta obutev ZDA gums pl
  • gúmijev

    gúmijeva raztopina rubber solution
  • gúmijevec botanika rubber plant; rubber tree
  • gúmijevka (pendrek) (rubber) truncheon; ZDA night stick, billy
  • gumírati to gum; to rubberize; to coat (ali to treat) with rubber

    gumirano platno rubberized cloth
  • gúmno threshing floor