
Zadetki iskanja

  • habílen (spreten ipd.) skilful, arhaično habile
  • habilitácija habilitation, qualification as university teacher; higher doctoral degree; higher doctoral thesis; pedagogika rehabilitation
  • habilitacíjski

    habilitacíjsko delo higher doctoral thesis
  • habilitéta ➞ habilnost
  • habilitírati to habilitate; to qualify as a university teacher
  • habílnost skill, skilfulness
  • hábit (obleka, zlasti redovniška) (monk's) habit; dress, garment
  • hábiti to cripple, to mutilate, to maim
  • habituálen habitual, customary; wonted, regular

    kot habituálenno as usual
    bilo je več ljudi kot habituálenno there were more people than usual
    z njegovo habituálenno nesramnostjo with his wonted insolence
  • habituálnost habit; custom; use; wont

    to postaja habituálnost it is growing into a habit
    to je stvar habituálnosti it is a matter of practice (ali of having the knack)
  • hábitus botanika, zoologija itd. habitus
  • Habsburžáni the Hapsburgs pl
  • hacáti to walk with clumsy steps
  • hádži hajji, hadji; Muslim who has made a pilgrimage to Mecca
  • hagiográf hagiographer
  • hagiografíja hagiography
  • hagiográfski hagiographic, hagiographical
  • hagiologíja hagiology
  • hahljáti (o vodi) to bubble

    hahljáti se to roar with laughter
  • Haíti geografija Haiti