
Zadetki iskanja

  • Himalája geografija the Himalaya(s)
  • hímen anatomija hymen; virginal membrane; (svatba poroka) marriage, (redko) hymen
  • Hímen (starogrški bog svatbe) Hymen
  • himêra (blodnja, izrodek domišljije) chimera, chimaera; zoologija (morska podgana, riba) chimaera, rabbitfish, ratfish, sea cat
  • himêričen chimeric(al); imaginary, fanciful; (ideja, načrt) chimerical, fantastic, vain, idle
  • hímna hymn; anthem; ode (ali song) of praise

    državna hímna national anthem
    skladatelj himen hymnographer
  • hímničen hymn(-); concerning hymns; arhaično hymnic, hymnal
  • himnográf hymnographer, hymnodist, hymnist
  • himnografíja hymnography
  • himnológ hymnologist

    himnologíja hymnology
  • hinávec hypocrite; dissembler; dissimulator

    ni takega hinávca kot je on he is an unparallelled (ali unrivalled) hypocrite
  • hinávski hypocritical; dissembling
  • hinávščina hypocrisy; dissimulation; dissembling
  • híndi (uradni jezik Indije) Hindi; the Hindi language
  • Híndu Híndujec Hindu; arhaično Hindoo

    híndujski Hindu
  • hinduízem Hinduism, arhaično Hindooism
  • Hindustán geografija Hindustan
  • hindustánski Hindustani

    hindustánski jezik (uradni jezik Indije) Hindi, the Hindi language; arhaično Hindustani
  • híp moment; instant

    v hípu in a moment, in a trice, in no time, in less than no time, in no time, (kot bi trenil) before you could say knife (ali Jack Robinson); in the twinkling of an eye
    niti za híp not for a single second
    v hípu je bilo vse končano everything was over in a flash
    vsak híp at any moment
    prav ta híp at this very moment
    v hípu bom pripravljen I'll be ready in a minute (ali in a jiffy ali in a trice ali in a twinkling)
    imate híp časa zame? can you give me a minute?
    počakajte híp! wait a moment!, wait an instant, wait half a minute, hold on a second!
  • hípen instantaneous

    hípna smrt instant death
    hípni posnetek fotografija snapshot, snap