
Zadetki iskanja

  • hipotenúza geometrija hypotenuse
  • hipotétičen hypothetical; suppositional
  • hipotéza hypothesis; supposition; surmise

    delati hipotéze to speculate, to surmise
    postaviti hipotézo to hypothesize
  • hipotrofíja (slaba razvitost) biologija hypotrophy
  • hipsografíja hypsography
  • hipsométer hypsometer
  • hipsometríja hypsometry
  • hirálnica hospital for incurables; hospice; old people's home
  • híranje long illness; languishing state; invalidism
  • hírati to be sickly, to languish; to pine away
  • hirománt palmist, chiromancer
  • hiromantíja hiromántika palmistry, chiromancy
  • hirúrg ➞ kirurg
  • histerektomíja hysterectomy
  • histeréza hysteresis

    histerézen hysteretic
  • histêričen medicina hysterical, hysteric

    histêričen napad attack of hysteria, fit of hysterics
    histêričen napad smeha fit of hysterical laughter
    hud histêričen izbruh a violent outburst of hysterics
    dobiti histêričen napad, postati histêričen to go (off) into hysterics, to have a fit of hysterics
  • histêrično prislov hysterically
  • histêričnost; histeríja hysteria
  • histêrik hysterical person; hysteric
  • histerotomíja medicina hysterotomy