
Zadetki iskanja

  • histolíza medicina histolysis
  • histológ histologist

    histológíja histology
  • histolóški histological, histologic
  • historiát history; account

    podal ti bom historiát zadeve I will give you a coherent account of the affair, a rundown of the affair
  • históričen (gradivo, spomenik; materializem; roman; razprava) historical; (znamenit dan, leto, mesto, bitka) historic

    histórični prezent gramatika historic present
    histórični infinitiv gramatika historic infinitive
    histórična gramatika historical grammar
    histórični dogodki historical events pl, (značilni) historic events
  • histórija history

    histórik historian
  • historiográf historiographer
  • historiografíja historiography
  • historiográfski historiographic, historiographical
  • historízem historism
  • histrión arhaično, humoristično histrion, mummer; stage player
  • híša house; (stavba) building

    stanovanjska híša tenement (house); dwelling, arhaično habitation; (gosposka hiša) mansion; (graščina) manor
    mestna híša (magistrat) town hall, city hall; (vladarska, knežja) dynasty
    trgovska híša house, (business) firm, concern; store, department store; establishment
    vogelna híša corner house
    samostojno stoječa híša detached house
    Spodnja híša angleškega parlamenta the lower house, the House of Commons
    Zgornja híša the upper house, the House of Lords; ZDA (ljudsko zastopništvo) the House of Representatives
    blok híš block (of buildings)
    vrata híš a row of houses
    lesena híša wooden house, frame house
    javna híša brothel, house of ill fame, house of ill repute, bawdy house; vulgarno knocking shop; ZDA žargon cathouse
    polna híša (gledališče) full house
    gostov polna híša houseful of guests
    híša ni sklepčna! (parlament) no house!
    zabava ob vselitvi v híšo housewarming
    dohod, pot k híši path, drive, driveway
    boj od híše do híše vojska house-to-house fighting
    velik kot híša as high as a house; huge, enormous
    zunaj híše out of doors; outdoors
    mati je nekje v híši Mother is somewhere around (ali about) the house
    vsa híša je bila na nogah the whole household was stirring
    naša híša Vam je vedno odprta you are always welcome here
    pognati, vreči iz híše koga to turn (ali to throw) someone out (of the house)
    postaviti híšo na glavo figurativno to turn the house upside down
    stopiti v híšo to enter the house
    stopiti iz híše to go out
    prepovedati komu vstop v híšo to forbid someone to enter one's house
    vseliti se v híšo to move into a house, to move in
  • híšen (of the) house; home; household

    híšni bogovi zgodovina household gods, pl, the Lares and Penates pl
    híšno delo housework, household chores, ZDA (home) chores pl
    híšni duh, prikazen ghost haunting a house
    híšni gospodar landlord, householder
    híšni dohod path
    híšni dovoz drive, driveway
    híšna instalacija elektrika wiring, (plin, voda) plumbing
    híšni ključ front-door key, latchkey
    híšna lekarna (domača) family medicine chest, first-aid kit
    híšna najemnina (house) rent
    híšni prag threshold
    híšni ples (zabava) carpet-dance
    híšni pes house-dog
    híšna preiskava (policijska) domiciliary visit (by police); raid, house search, ZDA house check
    nalog za híšno preiskavo search warrant
    híšni prijatelj family friend
    híšni red house regulations pl; rules of the house
    híšna služinčad (domestic) servants pl
    híšni stanovalec resident, (najemnik) lodger, tenant
    híšna streha roof, housetop
    híšna številka house number, street number
    híšni telefon house (ali domestic) telephone (line)
    híšni telefonski priključek (stanovanjski) (domestic) telephone connection
    híšni upravitelj caretaker, ZDA janitor
    híšna veža (entrance-)hall, corridor, vestibule, ZDA hallway
    híšni zapor house arrest
    dati, vtakniti v híšni zapor koga to put someone under house arrest
    híšni zdravnik family doctor
    híšni zmaj (figurativno, zlobna ženska) vixen, shrew, scold, termagant, ZDA žargon battleaxe
    híšni posestnik house owner
  • híšica small house; cottage; (brunarica) log cabin

    vikend híšica weekend cottage, bungalow
  • híšna housemaid
  • híšnik housekeeper; doorkeeper; caretaker
  • hitênje hurry(ing), haste, hastening, quickening
  • híter quick; fast; swift; speedy, rapid; prompt, expeditious, express; (konj, tekač) pesniško fleet; fastmoving, alert

    kot blisk híter quick as lightning
    na hítro roko hastily, quickly, (nemarno) carelessly
    hítri marš forced march
  • hitéti to hurry, to hasten, to make haste, to be in haste, to be in a hurry; to speed

    hitéti s čim to hurry on with something
    zelo hitéti to be in a great hurry
    če človek hiti, vse narobe naredí haste makes waste
    hiti počasi! more haste, less speed; slow and steady!
    zakaj tako hitiš? why are you in such a hurry?
    hitéti domov to hurry home
    hiteli smo domov we hurried home, we swiftly made our way home
  • hitler(jan)ski Hitlerite, Hitlerian

    hitler(jan)ska Nemčija Hitlerite Germany