
Zadetki iskanja

  • hitlerjánstvo Hitlerism
  • hítrica haste; speed

    v hítrici gre vse narobe haste makes waste
  • hítro quickly, swiftly, rapidly, fast

    na hítro in haste
    hitro! make haste! quick, be quick!
    čas hítro mine pri delu time flies when one is busy
    hítro govoriti to speak fast
    hítro teči to run fast, to be a fast runner
    bodimo nared, pripravimo se čim hitreje let's get ready as soon as we can
    to je hítro storjeno that doesn't take long
    prehítro greste, hodite za mene you are going (ali walking) too fast for me
    človek hítro naredi neumnost you can soon (ali easily) make a silly mistake
    kar najhitreje with all possible speed
  • hitróst (vlaka itd.) speed; velocity; (knjižno) celerity; (tekača) swiftness, fleetness; (naglost) hastiness; (hitrica) hurry, haste; (okretnost) agility, adroitness, briskness, nimbleness; rapidity; promptness

    z vso hitróstjo, v polni hitrósti at full speed
    največja hitróst top speed
    največja dovoljena hitróst speed limit
    ekonomska (komercialna) hitróst economic (commercial) speed
    (enakomerno) pospešena hitróst (steadily) increasing velocity
    poprečna hitróst average speed
    začetna hitróst (izstrelka) initial (ali muzzle) velocity
    strelna hitróst (orožja) rate of firing
    omejitev hitrósti speed limit
    iti z vso hitróstjo to go (at) full speed (ali top speed), (tekač, avto) pogovorno to go all out
    on vozi z noro hitróstjo he drives at a reckless (ali breakneck) speed
    vlak je vozil s hitróstjo 60 km na uro the train was doing 60 km per (ali an) hour
    čas teče z vrtoglavo hitróstjo time flies like lightning
    povečati hitróst (avtu, ladji) to increase speed
  • hkráten simultaneous; synchronous
  • hkráti at the same time; at one time; simultaneously

    dva hkráti two at a time
  • hkrátnost simultaneousness
  • hlačáti to toddle; (mlahedravo iti) to slouch
  • hláče (dolge) trousers pl

    par hlač a pair of trousers, ZDA pants pl; (dolge, široke, ženske in moške) slacks pl; (kratke) shorts pl; (športne) shorts pl; (dokolenke) knee-breeches pl, breeches pl; (flanelaste) flannels pl; (za golf) plus-fours pl; (modre, delovne) dungarees pl
    spodnje hláče drawers pl, pants pl; (ženske spodnje) drawers pl, panties pl, briefs pl, knickers pl, ZDA step-ins pl
    triko hláče (flesh) tights pl
    kopalne hláče bathing trunks, swimming trunks, trunks pl
    jahalne hláče breeches pl
    imeti polne hláče (bati se) (figurativno) pogovorno to be in a blue funk
    nositi hláče to wear the trousers (ZDA the pants), to rule the household, to rule the roost
    ona nosi hláče figurativno she wears the breeches
    kdo nosi hláče? (figurativno) who is the boss?
    srce mu je padlo v hláče figurativno he lost courage, his heart sank (into his boots)
    hláče na pas (jermen) trousers pl kept up with a belt (a strap)
    žen(sk)a hláče nosi (figurativno) arhaično the grey mare is the better horse
  • hláčen of trousers; trouser

    hláčna bója (reševalna naprava na morju) breeches buoy
    hláčne durce flies pl; (s patentno zadrgo) zip, zip fastener, ZDA zipper
    hláčni gumb trouser button
    hláčno krilo divided skirt, trouser skirt, culotte(s pl)
    hláčni pas waistband, trouser belt
    hláčna podveza garter
    red hláčne podveze Order of the Garter
    hláčni razporek fly, fly front, flies pl
    hláčna sponka (za kolesarje) bicycle clip
    hláčni šiv trouser seam
    hláčni zavih turn-up
    hláčni žep trouser pocket
    hláčni jermen trouser belt
    hláčni nateznik trouser press (ali stretcher)
  • hlačevína trousering; material for trousers
  • hláčke shorts pl; (kopalne) bathing trunks, swimming trunks, trunks pl; (ženske spodnje) panties pl, briefs pl, ZDA step-ins pl
  • hláčnica trouser leg, arhaično trouser
  • hlád hládnost cool, coolness; fresh, freshness; cool air; coldness; shade

    v jutranjem hlád, hládnostu in the cool (ali arhaično pesniško the fresh) of the morning
    uživati večerni hlád, hládnost to enjoy the cool of the evening
    biti v hlád, hládnostu to be in the cool
  • hláden cool; fresh; (mrzel) cold, chilly, frosty; (brezčuten) unfeeling, insensible; (mlačen) lukewarm, indifferent, unconcerned, equanimous; (neusmiljen) as cold as charity

    hládno orožje cold steel, (tudi revolver) side arms pl, side arm; figurativno (nedostopen ipd.) cold-mannered, frigid; reserved, distant; (brez razburjanja) (as) cool as a cucumber
    hláden pozdrav frigid greeting
    hláden sprejem a cold reception
    hláden val cold snap(s pl)
    hládna ondulacija cold wave
    hláden kot mrlič cold as death, cold as clay
    hládno mi je I am cold, I feel cold
    hládno postaja it's getting cool
    ostati hláden to keep cool, to keep one's temper
    to me pusti hládnega that leaves me cold
    hládno koga sprejeti to give (ali to show) someone the cold shoulder, to give someone a cold reception, humoristično to give someone the frozen mitt
  • hladétina jelly; aspic

    svinjska hladétina brawn
  • hladílen refreshing; cooling; refrigerating

    hladílenne naprave cold-storage plant, cold-storage installation
    hladílenni pult cold shelf
    hladílenna rebra cooling ribs pl
    hladílenni stolp cooling tower
  • hladílnica cold store; cold room; refrigerating chamber; cold-storage chamber; ice-safe; cooling room
  • hladílnik refrigerator; pogovorno fridge; (avto) radiator

    hraniti v hladílniku to keep something in cold storage
  • hladílo cooler; refrigerant