
Zadetki iskanja

  • hladíti to cool, to make cool (ali chilly); to freshen; to refresh; (z ledom) to ice, to freeze

    hladíti meso to refrigerate meat
    hladíti se to become (ali to get ali to grow) cool (ali cold ali chilly), to cool down
    hladíti se v senci to sit (oziroma to lie) in the shade
  • hladníca (vrtna uta, senčnica) bower; arbour; pergola; summerhouse
  • hladnokŕven cold-blooded; cool; imperturbable; unruffled; deliberate; self-possessed, composed; calm; cool-headed; keeping one's temper, keeping one's presence of mind; calm, unmoved; cool as a cucumber

    ostati hladnokŕven to keep cool
    hladnokŕven človek a cool hand
    ostal je popolnoma hladnokŕven he remained as cool as a cucumber, he didn't turn a hair
    kaj takega hladnokŕven človek ne bi mogel napraviti a thing one could not do in cold blood
  • hladnokŕvnež figurativno cool customer
  • hladnokŕvnost coolness; cold blood; composure

    ohraniti (izgubiti) svojo hladnokŕvnost to keep (to lose) one's head (ali one's self-control)
  • hládnost coolness; freshness; coldness; chill, chilliness

    hládnost njegovega sprejema the chilliness of his reception
  • hlajênje cooling

    sredstvo (voda) za hlajênje tehnika coolant, (coolant water)
  • hlamudráče baggy trousers pl
  • hlamudráti (opletati) to flap, to hang loose; (šepati) to hobble (along)
  • hláp vapour; steam
  • hlapčeváti to be kept (ali held) in bondage; to work as a hired man; to slave for someone
  • hlápčevstvo hlapčevánje servitude, slavery; bondage; subservience; zgodovina thrall, thraldom
  • hlápec farmhand; farm worker; hired man, hireling; arhaično hind; figurativno toady

    konjski hlápec stableman, ostler, ZDA hostler
  • hlapênje evaporation; volatization
  • hlapéti to evaporate, (v paro) to vaporize; to volatilize
  • hlapíti to volatilize; to evaporate
  • hlapljív volatilizable; evaporatable; vaporizable
  • hlapljívost volatility; vaporousness
  • hlastáč (bahač) boaster, braggart, swaggerer; (čvekač) talker, chatterbox
  • hlastáti hlástniti to grab (po čem something), to fish (for), to bite; to try to catch; to snap (po at); to snatch (at)

    hlastáti, hlástniti po ponudbi to snatch at an offer