
Zadetki iskanja

  • hódža khoja; Muslim (ali Moslem, Mohammedan) priest
  • Hóffmannove kápljice spirit of ether
  • hohnjáti to speak through the nose; to nasalize; to speak with a nasal twang; to snuffle
  • hohotáti se (krohotati se) to roar with laughter
  • hóhštapler impostor, fraud, humbug, mountebank, swindler, adventurer, ZDA žargon fourflusher
  • hója1 (hôd) walk, walking, going, gait; vojska march; figurativno way

    hója na 50 km fifty-kilometre walk
    5 ur hóje five hours' walk
    težka hója heavy tread
    vojaška hója military gait
    počasna (hitra, zelo hitra) hója vojska slow (quick, double-quick) march
    ima čudno hójo he has a strange gait
    ona ima grdo hójo she has an awkward gait
    vsako jutro opraviti enourno hójo to take an hour's walk every morning
    spoznam ga po hóji I recognise him by his gait
  • hója2 botanika fir, fir tree
  • hójev

    hójev gozd botanika fir wood, pine forest
    hójeva deska deal board
    hójev les fir (wood), pine (wood), deal
    hójeve iglice pine needles pl
    hójev storž pine cone, fir cone
  • hókej šport hockey

    hókej na ledu ice hockey
    hókej na travi (grass) hockey
  • hókejski (of) hockey

    hókejska palica hockey stick
  • hókuspókus hocus-pocus; sleight-of-hand; coituring; (humoristično, knjižno) prestidigitation
  • holá! hallo!, halloa!, hullo!; hey!, you there!; (za ustavitev) hold on!, stop!; (za konja) whoa!
  • Hólandec Dutchman, Netherlander, arhaično Hollander

    Hólandci pl the Dutch
    Leteči Hólandec the Flying Dutchman
  • Holandija Holandska, Holandsko Holland; the Netherlands, the Low Countries pl
  • Hólandka Dutchwoman, pl -women
  • hólandski Dutch; Netherlandish

    hólandski brinjevec Hollands; Holland gin
    hólandsko platno holland
    slikarji hólandske šole the Dutch masters pl
  • hólandščina Dutch
  • holesterín holesteról cholesterol
  • hólm hill; height
  • hólm(č)ast hill-like; hilly