
Zadetki iskanja

  • hospitalizírati to hospitalize

    hospitaliziran bolnik in-patient
  • hospitánt occasional student
  • hospitírati to attend lectures (oziroma lessons) as an occasional student
  • hósta bushes pl; scrub; underbrush, thicket; coppice, copse
  • hostésa hostess; (stevardesa v letalu) stewardess, air hostess
  • hóstija religija host, the Host; consecrated wafer; wafer bread

    posoda za hóstije (ciborij) pyx, ciborium, pl -ia
  • hoté on purpose, intentionally, purposely, by design, designedly
  • hotél hotel; inn, hostelry

    hotél za avtomobiliste motel
    hotél za zasebne letalce ZDA skytel
    hôtel garni block of service flats, ZDA apartment hotel; hotel providing accommodation without food, (slabši) lodging-house
    nastaniti se v hotélu to put up at a hotel, to stop at a hotel
  • hotelír hotel owner, hotel proprietor, hotelier
  • hotelírstvo hotel industry
  • hotélski hotel

    hotélska hala entrance hall, hall, lobby, lounge
    hotélski paž page (boy), ZDA bellboy, bellhop
    hotélski vratar hall porter
    hotélska soba hotel room
  • hotênje volition; will; (namera) intention
  • Hotentót; hotentótski Hottentot
  • hotéti to be willing; to want; (marati) to like; (želeti) to wish, to want, to desire; (nameravati) to intend, to purpose, to mean, to have in view

    rajši hotéti to prefer
    ne hotéti to be unwilling
    hočeš cigareto? will you have a cigarette?
    kaj hočete? what do you want?
    kaj hočeš od mene? what do you want of me?
    on ve, kaj hoče he knows what he wants, he knows his mind
    kakor hočete as you like, as you please, as you wish, suit yourself
    naj to hoče ali ne whether he likes it or not
    hočeš-nočeš whether you like it or not, willy-nilly, willing or unwilling
    noče sprejeti denarja he won't accept the money
    naj stane, kar hoče whatever the cost, whatever it may cost
    kaj hočete reči s tem? what do you mean by it?
    ona dela, kar hoče she has her own way
    sam ne ve, kaj hoče he does not know his own mind
    hočem, da greš domov I want you to go home
    s silo hoče, da grem domov he insists on my going home, he insists I go home
    imamo vse, kar hočemo we have all we want, we want for nothing
    hočemo mu dobro we wish him well
    kaj mi hoče (čemu mi bo) ta knjiga? I have no use for this book
    hoče mi se (piti) I feel like a drink, I feel thirsty, I'd like a drink
    dobro vem, kaj on hoče I fully appreciate (ali I realise full well) what he has in mind
    kakorkoli hočete as you like (ali choose ali please), at your discretion
    hoče biti (dela se, da je) znanstvenik he pretends to be a scientist
    hočeš, da te peljem z avtom (na postajo)? would you like me to drive you (to the station)?, shall I drive you (to the station)?
    hočete še malo mesa? will you have (ali take) a little more meat?
    kaj sem hotel reči? what was I going to say
    hotel sem samo reči, da... I only meant to say that...
    hotel je telelefonirati, pa je pozabil he meant to call, but he forgot
    (sam) si to hotel you asked for it (yourself)
    hotela me je udariti she felt like hitting me
    usoda je hotela, da... it was fated that...
    srce mi je hotelo počiti my heart was ready to burst (ali to break)
    on je tako hotel he wanted it that way
    hotel se je poročiti he wanted to get married, he was about to be married
    nesreča je hotela (as) ill luck (ali misfortune) would have it
    na vsak način je hotel imeti nov avto he insisted on having a new car
    jaz bi hotel (iti) I should like (I'd like) to (go)
    kaj bi hoteli še več? what more could you wish for?
    hotéti in želeti je dvoje willing and wishing are not the same
  • hotljív hôten voluptuous; sensual, lustful; libidinous; licentious; wanton
  • hotljívost lust, lustfulness; wantonness; libidinousness
  • hotník -íca voluptuary; sensualist; (zlasti ženski spol) wanton
  • hráber brave, courageous; heroic; gallant; (neustrašen) fearless, undaunted; valiant, valorous; pogovorno plucky, game; (smel, drzen) daring, bold, stouthearted

    hrábra obramba a gallant (ali spirited) defence
    hrábro umreti to die game to the last (ali to the end)
  • hrabrênje encouragement, (vzpodbujanje) incitement; incentive (k, za to)
  • hrabrílen eucouraging