
Zadetki iskanja

  • hŕček zoologija hamster
  • hŕčica (rovka) zoologija shrew, shrewmouse, pl -mice
  • hrécati (kašljati) to have a slight but frequent cough; to cough (a little)
  • hrèn botanika horse radish

    nastrgati hrèn to scrape (ali to shred) horse radish
  • hrénovka frankfurter, Frankfurt sausage, ZDA pogovorno frank

    vroča hrénovka v žemlji ZDA hot dog
  • hrepenéč yearning, yearnful

    hrepenéč po pining for
  • hrepenénje longing (po čem for something); yearning, desire, craving, hankering (for)
  • hrepenéti to long (po for), to crave (for), to yearn (for); to be eager (for); to pine, to languish (for); to hanker (for, after), to have a hankering (for); (nemirno, nervozno) to itch (for, after)

    hrepenel je po vestéh, novicah svoje družine he yearned for news of his family
    hrepeni po njej he is longing to see her
  • hrestáti to crunch
  • hrestomatíja chrestomathy
  • hreščáti to crunch; (radio) to crackle
  • hŕga (grča) knot, gnarl
  • hŕgast hŕgav gnarled, gnarly
  • hríb hill, hillock; mountain

    v hríb, po hríbu navzgor uphill
    po hríbu navzdol downhill
    pobočje hríba hillside
    čez hríb in dol, čez hríbe in doline over hill and dale, up hill and down dale
    iti po hríbu navzdol, sestopiti s hríba to go downhill
  • hríbčast hilly; mountainous
  • hríbček hríbec hillock; small hill
  • hribolástvo mountaineering; climbing, mountain climbing
  • hribolázec climber, mountaineer, mountain climber (v Alpah) alpinist
  • hríbovec highlander; mountaineer
  • hribovít hilly; mountainous

    hribovíti kraji hill country, uplands pl, highlands pl