
Zadetki iskanja

  • humanízem humanism; zgodovina the Revival of Learning (Letters, Literature)
  • húmbug (nesmisel) humbug; nonsense; (potegavščina, sleparija) hoax, swindle
  • humiliácija humiliation
  • humór humour; sense of humour; comicality; humorousness, facetiousness

    brez humórja humourless; devoid of humour
    oseba, človek brez humórja disgruntled person; ZDA pogovorno sorehead
    obešenjaški humór gallows humour
    črn humór black humour
    suh humór dry humour
    surov humór robust humour
    biti brez humórja, nobenega smisla za humór ne imeti to lack any sense of humour
  • humorálen medicina humoral
  • humoréska humorous sketch; glasba humoresque
  • humoríst humorist; comic; humorous person, humorous writer; wag
  • humorístičen humorous; humoristic; funny; comic

    humorístičen list comic paper
  • húmus humus; vegetatable mould

    tvorba húmusa humus formation
    plast húmusa layer of humus, layer of mould
  • Hún zgodovina Hun

    húnski Hunnish
  • húnt mineralogija (voziček) truck; tram; miner's waggon

    húntar trammer
  • húnta (španska) junta
  • húpa hooter; (motor) horn
  • húpanje hooting; honk, honking
  • húpati to hoot; to honk (the horn)
  • hurá hurray; hurrah

    trikrat hurá za X! three cheers for X!
    trikrat vzklikniti »hurá« to give three cheers
    hurá klicati komu to cheer someone
    sprejeti koga s klici »hurá« to greet someone with cheers
  • hurikán (orkan) hurricane
  • husít zgodovina Hussite
  • huzár (lahko oborožen konjenik) hussar
  • hvála thanks pl; (pohvala) praise, laud, commendation; (govor, pismena hvala) eulogy, panegyric, encomium

    hvála! thank you!
    hvála lepa! thanks very much!, many thanks!
    hvála lepa za Vašo prijaznost! many thanks for your kindness!
    hvála bogu! thank God!
    hvála bodi bogu! thanks be to God!
    hvála za Vaše vprašanje (po mojem zdravju)! thank you for asking after me
    srčna Vam hvála za... my heartfelt thanks to you for..., I am deeply grateful to you
    biti skop s hválo to be sparing with one's praise
    hválo peti komu to sing someone's praises
    sam sebi hválo peti to blow one's own trumpet, humoristično to toot one's own horn
    še hvála mi ni nihče rekel! much (ali small) thanks I got for it!
    lastna hvála se po blatu, pod mizo valja self-praise is no recommendation
    še malo čaja? - prosim! (da); hvála, ne! some more tea? - yes, please!; no, thank you!