
Zadetki iskanja

  • inhalírati to inhale; to breathe in; to draw in
  • inherénca inherence

    inherénten inherent (to)
  • inhibícija inhibition

    inhibírati to inhibit
  • inhibitíven inhibitive, inhibitory
  • inhibítor kemija inhibitor
  • inhoatíven inchoative

    inhoatívni glagol inchoative (ali inceptive) verb
  • inhumácija inhumation
  • inhumán inhuman

    inhumáno prislov inhumanly
  • inhumánost inhumanity
  • iniciácija (začetek, sprejem) initiation
  • iniciálen (začeten) initial
  • iniciálka initial; initial letter

    iniciálke pl initials pl
  • iniciatíva initiative

    na lastno iniciatívo on one's own initiative
    na iniciatívo kake osebe on the initiative of someone
    pomanjkanje iniciatíve want of initiative
    dati iniciatívo to initiate
    obdržati iniciatívo to keep the initiative
    prevzeti iniciatívo to take (ali to seize) the initiative
    nimam pravice prevzeti iniciatíve I have no right to take the first step
    to sem napravil iz lastne iniciatíve I did it on my own initiative
  • iniciatíven initiative

    on ni iniciatíven he lacks initiative
  • iniciátor; iniciátorka initiator; (female) initiator, arhaično initiatress, zastarelo initiatrix
  • iniciátorski initiatory
  • ínje rime; hoar-frost

    ínjast rimy
  • injékcija injection; pogovorno jab, shot

    dobiti injékcijo to have a jab (ali a shot)
  • injekcíjski

    injekcíjska igla hypodermic needle
  • injéktor injector