
Zadetki iskanja

  • inkoherénca incoherence

    inkoherénten incoherent
  • inkomenzurabílen incommensurable
  • inkomodácija inkomoditéta inconvenience, incommodiousness
  • inkomodírati to inconvenience, to incommode; to annoy; to disturb
  • inkomparabílen incomparable
  • inkompatibílen incompatible

    inkompatibílnost incompatibility
  • inkompeténca incompetence, incompetency
  • inkompeténten incompetent

    sodišče je izjavilo, da je inkompeténtno za obravnavanje primera the court declared itself incompetent to try the case
  • inkompléten incomplete; defective; deficient
  • inkompresibílen incompressible
  • inkongruénca incongruity

    inkongruénten incongruous
  • inkonsekvénca inconsequence; inconsistency
  • inkonsekvénten inconsequent; inconsistent
  • inkonsisténca inconsistency
  • inkonsisténten inconsistent, without consistency; soft; yielding
  • inkonstánca inconstancy; fickleness; instability; mutability; variableness
  • inkonstánten inconstant; fickle; changeable; variable
  • inkonstitucionálen unconstitutional
  • inkontinénca incontinence
  • inkonveniénca inconvenience; disadvantage; drawback