
Zadetki iskanja

  • instalacíjski (of) installation

    instalacíjska dela plumbing
  • instalatêr (monter) fitter; (elektrike) electrician, installer; (plina) gas fitter; (klepar) plumber
  • instalírati to install; (elektriko, plin itd.) to put in, to lay on; (stroj) to put up, to set up; (tovarno) to equip; (hišo) to fit out, to furnish

    instalírati radijski aparat to install a radio (ali wireless, wireless set)
    instalírati se to install oneself, to establish oneself, to settle (oneself) in
    instaliral se je v kot kupeja he settled himself in a corner of the compartment
    instalírati se v hotelu za kratko bivanje to put up at a hotel for a short stay
    instalírati se kot odvetnik to set up as a lawyer
    instalirali so se na deželi they went to live in the country
    špecerist se je instaliral na uličnem vogalu a grocer has opened a shop (ali has set up shop) at te corner of the street
  • instánca pravo instance; resort; process; suit

    sodišče prve (zadnje) instánce court of the first (of the last) instance
    v prvi instánci in the first instance
    biti pristojen v prvi instánci to have original jurisdiction
    druga, višja instánca pravo appellate court, (uprava) higher authority
    apelacijska instánca appeal court
    zadnja instánca final jurisdiction, highest appeal, last resort, last appeal
    v zadnji instánci in the last instance
    iti do zadnje instánce to go to the highest tribunal, to appeal to the supreme court
  • instánčen (of) instance

    instánčna pot official channels pl, pravo stages of appeal
    po instánčni poti through official channels, through the usual channels
  • instavrácija instauration
  • instavrátor instaurator
  • instavrírati to establish, to set up

    instavrírati sistem to establish a system
  • instínkt instinct

    po instínktu by instinct, from instinct
    delati po instínktu to act on instinct
  • instinktíven instinctive; on instinct

    instinktívno prislov instinctively
    instinktívno delati, napraviti to act on instinct
    otrok instinktívno išče materine prsi a child instinctively seeks (for) its mother's breast
  • institúcija institution; establishment
  • institucionálen institutional
  • institucionalizírati to institutionalize
  • instituírati to institute
  • institút institute; institution; (internat) boarding school

    Instituti pl pravo institutes pl
    Pasterjev institút the Pasteur Institute
    agronomski institút the College of Agriculture
    Institut J. Štefana the Jožef Štefan Institute
  • institútor institutor
  • instruírati to instruct; to teach; to educate; to train

    instruírati vojake to train (ali to drill) soldiers
    instruiram ga (za izpit) angleščino I am coaching him in English
    instruira me g. X I am being coached by Mr. X
  • instrúkcija instruction; guidance; teaching; training; coaching

    po vaših instrúkcijah according to your instructions
    imam, dobivam instrúkcije iz angleščine I am being coached in English, I am having some coaching in English
  • instruktíven instructive

    instruktívnost instructiveness
  • instrúktor instructor; private teacher, coach, tutor