
Zadetki iskanja

  • ístmus isthmus
  • istobárven of the same colour
  • istočásen istodôben simultaneous; contemporaneous, contemporary; synchronous
  • istočásno istodóbno simultaneously, at the same time; at one time
  • istočásnost istodôbnost simultaneousness; simultaneity; contemporaneousness
  • istoiménski having (ali of) the same name; homonymous
  • istoréčje tautology

    istoréčen tautologous, tautological
  • istosméren parallel; moving in the same direction

    istosmérni tok (elektrika) direct (ali continuous) current
  • istosmérnost parallelism
  • istovéten identical; the very same; the selfsame
  • istovétenje identification

    istovétiti to identify
  • istovétnost identity

    ugotovitev istovétnosti identification
    dokaz istovétnosti proof of identity; certificate of origin
  • istovŕsten of the same kind (ali quality ali sort); uniform; homogeneous
  • istovŕstnost homogeneity; sameness; uniformity
  • istozvóčen homophonic; homonymous
  • istozvočnica homophone; homonym
  • istozvóčnost homophony; homonymy
  • Istra geografija Istria

    ístrski Istrian
  • Istrán; Istránka Istrian; Istrian woman
  • íšias medicina sciatica; hip-gout; gout in the hip