
Zadetki iskanja

  • ívnat rimy

    ívnata okna frosted windows
  • íz from, out of; of, by, through, for, because of

    iz angleščine from (the) English
    iz ambicije for (ali because of) ambition
    iz dneva v dan from day to day
    iz glave (na pamet) by heart, from memory, extempore, off-hand
    iz ljubezni for love
    iz ljubezni do for love of
    iz mode out of fashion
    narejen iz made of (ali from)
    iz (notranjosti) hiše from within the house
    iz leta v leto year by year
    iz prepričanja by conviction
    iz izkustva from experience
    iz radovednosti out of curiosity
    iz tega razloga for this reason
    iz skoposti through (ali because of) avarice
    iz sovraštva through hatred
    iz strahu for fear (pred... of...)
    iz usmiljenja out of pity
    iz vljudnosti through politeness
    iz dobrega vira from a good source
    biti ves iz sebe od jeze to be beside oneself with anger
    je tvoja ura iz zlatá? is yours a gold watch?
    ima hčer iz prvega zakona he has a daughter by his first marriage
    piti iz kozarca to drink out of a glass
    priti iz Zagreba to come from Zagreb
    prevesti iz slovenščine v angleščino to translate from Slovene (ZDA Slovenian) into English
    razvideti iz to see by
    ni si upal iz hiše he did not dare venture out of the house
  • izabéla botanika (trta) isabella (variety of grape)
  • Izabéla Isabella, Isabel
  • izagógika isagogics pl (s konstr. v sg)
  • Izak Isaac
  • ízba room; chamber; closet
  • izbér choice

    na izbér to choose from
    ne imeti na izbér to have no choice
    nikakršna izbér (samo ena stvar na izbér) Hobson's choice
    nimaš izbéri it's Hobson's choice for you
  • izberáčiti to beg (od koga kaj something from someone)
  • izbérsati se to mould; to go mouldy
  • izbesnéti se to finish venting one's rage

    nevihta se je izbesnela the storm raged itself out
  • izbezáti to stir out of; to hunt out; to poke out; to rake out
  • izbíčati to whip, to flog, to lash (koga someone)
  • izbíjati to beat, to dash out, to knock out; to drive out

    klin se s klinom izbija (figurativno) one nail drives out another; desperate ills must have desperate cures
  • izbíra choice; act of choosing; selection; (od dveh stvari) option, alternative

    po izbíri, na izbíro at choice
    težavna izbíra dilemma
    na izbíro dan optional, facultative
    nikakršna izbíra Hobson's choice; (blaga, trgovina) assortment, line; collection; (zaloga) stock
    brez izbíre indiscriminately, promiscuously
    izbíra poklica the choice of a career
    po lastni izbíri of one's own choosing
    velika izbíra po nizkih cenah a large assortment at low prices
    lepa izbíra svilenega blaga a fine collection of silks
    nimam druge izbíre, kot da plačam I have no option but to pay
    imeti na izbíro to be able to pick and choose
    ne imeti izbíre to have no choice
    druge izbíre nimate you have no option
    poslali vam bomo izbíro vzorcev we will send you a choice of samples
    prepustiti komu izbíro to leave to someone's option (ali choice)
  • izbírati to choose; to select; to pick out; to sort out

    težko je izbírati med tema dvema knjigama there is not much to choose between these two books (= obe sta enaki)
  • izbírčen finical, finicky; fastidious; particular (v in, on, about); pogovorno choosey, choosy; (v jedi) squeamish; hard to please; discriminating; dainty (in one's choice); overnice

    zelo je izbírčen glede hrane he is very particular about his food, he is very particular (as to) what he eats
    izbírčna je glede obleke she is particular about her dress
    reveži ne smejo biti izbírčni beggars can't be choosers
    biti izbírčen v spoprijateljevanju to choose one's friends carefully
  • izbírčnež choosy person
  • izbírčnost (v jedi) squeamishness; finicalness; fastidiousness
  • izbírnost selectivity